Sunday, October 28, 2007

The glycemic index is the key to controlling your cravings

It isn't necessary to starve yourself to lose weight. In fact, consistently eating less than 1,000 calories a day may actually slow down your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight. You do, however, need to make smarter choices about what you eat. When you eat high-glycemic foods it can cause your body's blood glucose levels to quickly spike and then crash, leading to feelings of hunger sooner and seemingly uncontrollable cravings.

A better choice is to eat low-glycemic foods which keep blood glucose levels more stable, helping to reduce carbohydrate cravings, leave you feeling satisfied longer, and control your appetite more easily. All of USANA's Macro-Optimizers are clinically tested and guaranteed to be low glycemic, and nearly 95 percent of RESET participants report significantly reduced carbohydrate cravings after completing the five days.

The 5-Day RESET is simple and convenient. Each day you replace your meals and snacks with USANA's delicious Macro-Optimizer shakes and bars, plus a bonus snack of one serving of fruit and one serving of vegetables. In addition, you should take your USANA® Nutritionals, drink 64-80 ounces of water, and walk briskly for up to 30 minutes daily. RESET is a commonsense approach to nutrition that includes low-glycemic carbohydrates packed with soluble and insoluble fiber, low-fat sources of protein, and beneficial fats. And by eating small, low-calorie meals frequently throughout the day, you will create a caloric deficit without going hungry, making it easier for you to lose weight.

Subscribe now as Preferred Costumer. Its FREE and you will get a complete guide of our products, their description and the advantages that they can provide to your health. I am sure you will find something that fit to your nutritional needs and way of life.

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