As you wander the aisles of your local health food store, you stumble on one that is full of bottles that look like they belong in a drugstore. Looking up, you notice that the name of the aisle is "Alternative Medicine."
Seeing the phrase "alternative medicine" might conjure up images of pungent herbal teas, poultices, chanting, or meditation. In fact, both herbal remedies and meditation, as well as dozens of other treatments, fall under the heading of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).
Although there is no strict definition of alternative medicine, it generally includes any healing practices that are not part of mainstream medicine — that means any practice that is not widely taught in medical schools or frequently used by doctors or in hospitals.
But the boundaries of alternative medicine in the United States are constantly changing as different types of care become more accepted by doctors and more requested by patients. A few practices (such as hypnosis) that were dismissed as nonsense 20 years ago are now considered helpful therapies in addition to traditional medicine. So, are any alternative medicines right for your family?
Types of Alternative Care
In the United States, the lead agency that's charged with scientific research into CAM is the The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
NIH classifies four general areas of complementary and alternative care:
Mind-body medicine. This includes practices such as meditation, prayer, Tai Chi, and music therapy, which are intended to develop the mind's ability to affect physical symptoms. It focuses on the mind's role in conditions that affect the body.
Biologically based practices. This includes substances such as herbs, foods, vitamins, and dietary supplements that are geared to help heal the body. Herbal remedies include a wide range of plants used for medicine or nutrition. They are available in grocery stores, over the Internet, in health food stores, or through herbalists and are often in the form of teas, capsules, and extracts. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate these.
Manipulative and body-based practices. These practices are based on the manipulation or movement of body parts. It includes methods like massage therapy and therapeutic touch, which manipulate and realign body parts, to help alleviate symptoms. You may have heard of chiropractors, who focus on affecting the nervous system by "adjusting" the spinal column.
Energy medicine. This area of medicine is based on the theory (which has not been proved scientifically) that certain energy fields surround and penetrate the body. This includes practices such as Reiki, qi gong, and therapeutic touch. Also included are therapies based on bioelectromagnetics, the theory that electrical currents in all living organisms produce magnetic fields that extend beyond the body.
In many cases, there is overlap between each of these areas. Acupuncture, for example, is a healing practice that originates in traditional Chinese medicine. It involves stimulating different points in the body, mostly with thin solid metallic needles, in order to balance Qi, certain energy pathways. In addition, NIH classifies medicine systems, such as homeopathic medicine and Ayurveda, which may include elements from several of these four different areas.
How Does It Differ From Traditional Medicine?
Alternative therapy is frequently distinguished by its holistic methods, which means that the doctor or practitioner treats the "whole" person and not just the disease or condition. In alternative medicine, many practitioners address patients' emotional and spiritual needs as well. This "high touch" approach differs from the "high tech" practice of traditional medicine, which tends to concentrate on the physical side of illness.
Most alternative practices have not found their way into mainstream hospitals or doctors' offices, so your doctor may not be aware of them. However, new centers for integrative medicine offer a mix of traditional and alternative treatments. There, you might receive a prescription for pain medication (as you might get from a traditional health care provider) and massage therapy to treat a chronic back problem. Such centers usually employ both medical doctors and certified or licensed specialists in the various alternative therapies.
Despite the growth of the field, the majority of alternative therapies are not covered by medical insurance. This is largely because few scientific studies have been done to prove whether the treatments are effective (unlike traditional medicine, which relies heavily on studies). Rather, most alternative therapies are based on longstanding practice and word-of-mouth stories of success.
What Are the Risks?
The lack of scientific study means that some potential problems associated with alternative therapies may be difficult to identify. What's more, almost all of the studies that have been done involved adults as test subjects; there is little research on the effects of alternative medicine on children. Although approaches such as prayer, massage, and lifestyle changes are generally considered safe complements to regular medical treatment, some therapies — particularly herbal remedies — might harbor risks.
Unlike prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, herbal remedies are not rigorously regulated by the FDA. They face no extensive tests before they are marketed, and they do not have to adhere to a standard of quality. That means when you buy a bottle of ginseng capsules, you might not know what you're getting: the amount of herb can vary from pill to pill, with some capsules containing much less of the active herb than stated on the label. Depending on where the herb originated, there might also be other plants, even drugs like steroids, mixed in the capsules. Herbs that come from developing countries are sometimes contaminated with pesticides and heavy metals.
"Natural" does not equal "good," and many parents don't realize that some herbal remedies can actually cause health problems for their kids. Medicating a child without consulting a doctor could result in harm. For example, certain herbal remedies can cause high blood pressure, liver damage, or severe allergic reactions.
Consider these examples:
Ephedra, also called ephedrine and often sold as the Chinese herb ma huang, was on the market for years until it was linked to several deaths in people with heart problems. The FDA decided the health risks associated with ephedra were too great, and banned it in December 2003.
Alone and in combination with prescription drugs, several dietary supplements — such as chaparral, comfrey, germander, and ephedrine — have been linked to severe illness, liver damage, and even death.
Parents might also give their children much more of an herb than recommended, thinking that because it's natural, higher doses won't hurt. But many plants contain potent chemicals; in fact, approximately 25% of all prescription drugs are derived from plants.
Choosing a practitioner can pose another problem. Although many states have licensing boards for specialists in acupuncture or massage, for instance, there is no organization in the United States that monitors alternative care providers or establishes standards of treatment. Basically, almost anyone can claim to be a practitioner, whether he or she has any training.
Perhaps the greatest risk, however, is the potential for people to delay or stop traditional medical treatment in favor of an alternative therapy. Illnesses such as diabetes and cancer require the care of a doctor. Relying entirely on alternative therapies for any serious chronic or acute conditions can jeopardize the health of your child.
Can Alternative Care Help Your Child?
Many parents turn to a cup of chamomile tea or ginger as first-line treatment against the flu or nausea. Anxious kids can learn to relax with the help of meditation or yoga. Some alternative therapies may be helpful for a child when used to complement traditional care.
If you want to try alternative medicine for your child, you should first talk with your doctor or pharmacist to make sure it is not dangerous and will not conflict with any traditional care your child receives. Your doctor also can give you information about treatment options and perhaps recommend a reputable specialist.
By coordinating alternative and traditional care, you don't have to choose between them. Instead, you can get the best of both.
Reviewed by:
Steven Dowshen, MDDate Reviewed: March 2007
Originally reviewed by: Steven Dowshen, MD, and Sandra Hassink, MD
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Steps to deep breathing
Steps to deep breathing
Lie down on a flat surface.
Place a hand on your stomach, just above your navel.
Place the other hand on your chest.
Breathe in slowly and try to make your stomach rise a little.
Hold your breath for a second.
Breathe out slowly and let your stomach go back down.
Lie down on a flat surface.
Place a hand on your stomach, just above your navel.
Place the other hand on your chest.
Breathe in slowly and try to make your stomach rise a little.
Hold your breath for a second.
Breathe out slowly and let your stomach go back down.
mens health,
women fitness,
womens health
How to deal with Stress
What causes stress?
Feelings of stress are caused by the body's instinct to defend itself. This instinct is good in emergencies, such as getting out of the way of a speeding car. But stress can cause physical symptoms if it goes on for too long, such as in response to life's daily challenges and changes.When this happens, it's as though your body gets ready to jump out of the way of the car, but you're sitting still. Your body is working overtime, with no place to put all the extra energy. This can make you feel anxious, afraid, worried and uptight.
What changes may be stressful?
Any sort of change can make you feel stressed, even good change. It's not just the change or event itself, but also how you react to it that matters. What's stressful is different for each person. For example, one person may feel stressed by retiring from work, while someone else may not.Other things that may be stressful include being laid off from your job, your child leaving or returning home, the death of your spouse, divorce or marriage, an illness, an injury, a job promotion, money problems, moving, or having a baby.
Can stress hurt my health?
Stress can cause health problems or make problems worse if you don't learn ways to deal with it. Talk to your family doctor if you think some of your symptoms are caused by stress. It's important to make sure that your symptoms aren't caused by other health problems.
Possible signs of stress
Back pain
Constipation or diarrhea
High blood pressure
Problems with relationships
Shortness of breath
Stiff neck
Upset stomach
Weight gain or loss
What can I do to manage my stress?
The first step is to learn to recognize when you're feeling stressed. Early warning signs of stress include tension in your shoulders and neck, or clenching your hands into fists.The next step is to choose a way to deal with your stress. One way is to avoid the event or thing that leads to your stress--but often this is not possible. A second way is to change how you react to stress. This is often the best way.
Tips for dealing with stress
Don't worry about things you can't control, such as the weather.
Prepare to the best of your ability for events you know may be stressful, such as a job interview.
Try to look at change as a positive challenge, not as a threat.
Work to resolve conflicts with other people.
Talk with a trusted friend, family member or counselor.
Set realistic goals at home and at work.
Exercise on a regular basis.
Eat well-balanced meals and get enough sleep.
Participate in something you don't find stressful, such as sports, social events or hobbies.
Why is exercise useful?
Exercise is a good way to deal with stress because it's a healthy way to relieve your pent-up energy and tension. It also helps you get in better shape, which makes you feel better overall.
What is meditation?
Meditation is a form of guided thought. It can take many forms. You may do it with exercise that uses the same motions over and over, like walking or swimming. You may meditate by practicing relaxation training, by stretching or by breathing deeply.Relaxation training is easy. Start with one muscle. Hold it tight for a few seconds then relax the muscle. Do this with each of your muscles.Stretching can also help relieve tension. Roll your head in a gentle circle. Reach toward the ceiling and bend side to side slowly. Roll your shoulders.Deep, relaxed breathing (see the box to the right) by itself may help relieve stress. This helps you get plenty of oxygen.If you want more help treating stress symptoms, ask your family doctor for advice.
Feelings of stress are caused by the body's instinct to defend itself. This instinct is good in emergencies, such as getting out of the way of a speeding car. But stress can cause physical symptoms if it goes on for too long, such as in response to life's daily challenges and changes.When this happens, it's as though your body gets ready to jump out of the way of the car, but you're sitting still. Your body is working overtime, with no place to put all the extra energy. This can make you feel anxious, afraid, worried and uptight.
What changes may be stressful?
Any sort of change can make you feel stressed, even good change. It's not just the change or event itself, but also how you react to it that matters. What's stressful is different for each person. For example, one person may feel stressed by retiring from work, while someone else may not.Other things that may be stressful include being laid off from your job, your child leaving or returning home, the death of your spouse, divorce or marriage, an illness, an injury, a job promotion, money problems, moving, or having a baby.
Can stress hurt my health?
Stress can cause health problems or make problems worse if you don't learn ways to deal with it. Talk to your family doctor if you think some of your symptoms are caused by stress. It's important to make sure that your symptoms aren't caused by other health problems.
Possible signs of stress
Back pain
Constipation or diarrhea
High blood pressure
Problems with relationships
Shortness of breath
Stiff neck
Upset stomach
Weight gain or loss
What can I do to manage my stress?
The first step is to learn to recognize when you're feeling stressed. Early warning signs of stress include tension in your shoulders and neck, or clenching your hands into fists.The next step is to choose a way to deal with your stress. One way is to avoid the event or thing that leads to your stress--but often this is not possible. A second way is to change how you react to stress. This is often the best way.
Tips for dealing with stress
Don't worry about things you can't control, such as the weather.
Prepare to the best of your ability for events you know may be stressful, such as a job interview.
Try to look at change as a positive challenge, not as a threat.
Work to resolve conflicts with other people.
Talk with a trusted friend, family member or counselor.
Set realistic goals at home and at work.
Exercise on a regular basis.
Eat well-balanced meals and get enough sleep.
Participate in something you don't find stressful, such as sports, social events or hobbies.
Why is exercise useful?
Exercise is a good way to deal with stress because it's a healthy way to relieve your pent-up energy and tension. It also helps you get in better shape, which makes you feel better overall.
What is meditation?
Meditation is a form of guided thought. It can take many forms. You may do it with exercise that uses the same motions over and over, like walking or swimming. You may meditate by practicing relaxation training, by stretching or by breathing deeply.Relaxation training is easy. Start with one muscle. Hold it tight for a few seconds then relax the muscle. Do this with each of your muscles.Stretching can also help relieve tension. Roll your head in a gentle circle. Reach toward the ceiling and bend side to side slowly. Roll your shoulders.Deep, relaxed breathing (see the box to the right) by itself may help relieve stress. This helps you get plenty of oxygen.If you want more help treating stress symptoms, ask your family doctor for advice.
Alternative Medicine,
mens health,
women fitness,
womens health
Friday, September 21, 2007
Business Start-Up
Are you smart enough? Are you tough enough? Are you brave enough? Are you stupid enough? To start and run a business. What does it take? If you’re stupid enough, you don’t have to be brave. If you’re smart enough, you don’t have to be tough. Most businesses that fail run out of money before the business can succeed. If the entrepreneur had more money would the business have succeeded? Or would it have just taken longer to fail?
If you do fail, what will it take to succeed at a second business attempt? More money? More guts? More smarts? More luck?
You can’t really tell at the beginning whether someone will be successful with a start-up. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard and moved to Albuquerque to start Microsoft with his buddy Paul Allen. Did that combo look like a surefire success? A couple dropouts fooling about with software for a tiny computer? I would imagine their parents we’re pretty upset about these guys dropping their Harvard education flat.
When I started my first business, a couple former bosses made comments on my prospects. One expected me to succeed. Another said I would have trouble because I wouldn’t like some of the unpleasant things that happen in a business. That first company lasted ten years before I sold it because I didn’t like some of the unpleasant things that happen in a business. They were both right.
Was I lucky? Was I successful? Was I doomed? Yes.
Looking back, my prospects weren’t good. I didn’t have enough money. My first few projects were weak. I was soft on vendors. I paid too much. I charged too little. But I kept going, just like the little engine. I just kept going at it and going at it. Finally reality gave up trying to thwart me. It rolled over like a puppy and let me win. Of course back then, I could roll up my personal overhead into a tiny nut.
When I started my second business, everything had changed. I was confident. I knew my way around. I was strong. I had a few bucks. I also had three kids. And a house. And dogs. And vacations. And bills. I couldn’t roll up my overhead into anything close to a nut.
I failed in six months. Those months went by quick and awful, like trying to outrun a herd of angry buffaloes. They keep gaining, then all of a sudden you trip. Plenty of people predicted it. What are you gonna do?
Start another business, of course. This one worked. I did a personal inventory. I like working alone. I like working at home. I have a few skills. A few people needed those skills. I shrunk my overhead into a nut. It worked. It’s still working. Of course it could fail any minute. That’s always the case. That’s even the case for Bill Gates. Heck, Paul Allen keeps failing over and over since leaving Microsoft, but his pile of capital is so mammoth that failure doesn’t look like failure.
So what does it take to succeed in a business start-up? On his first trip to the United States with the Beatles, a reporter asked John Lennon what it was that made the Beatles so successful. He answered, “If I knew the answer to that, I’d hire a bunch a guys, make a band and manage them.”
There are a couple things I’ve learned over the years. Get your nut small. Find something you really, really like doing – you’re going to have to do it a lot, and you’re going to have to do it at weird hours, and if you have family, you’re going to have to do it while they’re around. Get some luck somewhere – rub Buddha’s belly, pick up every coin you find in a parking lot, even the pennies – I have this superstition that if you don’t pick up stray pennies, the universe won’t give you stray wealth. Ignore your former bosses.
And don’t quit trying.
If you do fail, what will it take to succeed at a second business attempt? More money? More guts? More smarts? More luck?
You can’t really tell at the beginning whether someone will be successful with a start-up. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard and moved to Albuquerque to start Microsoft with his buddy Paul Allen. Did that combo look like a surefire success? A couple dropouts fooling about with software for a tiny computer? I would imagine their parents we’re pretty upset about these guys dropping their Harvard education flat.
When I started my first business, a couple former bosses made comments on my prospects. One expected me to succeed. Another said I would have trouble because I wouldn’t like some of the unpleasant things that happen in a business. That first company lasted ten years before I sold it because I didn’t like some of the unpleasant things that happen in a business. They were both right.
Was I lucky? Was I successful? Was I doomed? Yes.
Looking back, my prospects weren’t good. I didn’t have enough money. My first few projects were weak. I was soft on vendors. I paid too much. I charged too little. But I kept going, just like the little engine. I just kept going at it and going at it. Finally reality gave up trying to thwart me. It rolled over like a puppy and let me win. Of course back then, I could roll up my personal overhead into a tiny nut.
When I started my second business, everything had changed. I was confident. I knew my way around. I was strong. I had a few bucks. I also had three kids. And a house. And dogs. And vacations. And bills. I couldn’t roll up my overhead into anything close to a nut.
I failed in six months. Those months went by quick and awful, like trying to outrun a herd of angry buffaloes. They keep gaining, then all of a sudden you trip. Plenty of people predicted it. What are you gonna do?
Start another business, of course. This one worked. I did a personal inventory. I like working alone. I like working at home. I have a few skills. A few people needed those skills. I shrunk my overhead into a nut. It worked. It’s still working. Of course it could fail any minute. That’s always the case. That’s even the case for Bill Gates. Heck, Paul Allen keeps failing over and over since leaving Microsoft, but his pile of capital is so mammoth that failure doesn’t look like failure.
So what does it take to succeed in a business start-up? On his first trip to the United States with the Beatles, a reporter asked John Lennon what it was that made the Beatles so successful. He answered, “If I knew the answer to that, I’d hire a bunch a guys, make a band and manage them.”
There are a couple things I’ve learned over the years. Get your nut small. Find something you really, really like doing – you’re going to have to do it a lot, and you’re going to have to do it at weird hours, and if you have family, you’re going to have to do it while they’re around. Get some luck somewhere – rub Buddha’s belly, pick up every coin you find in a parking lot, even the pennies – I have this superstition that if you don’t pick up stray pennies, the universe won’t give you stray wealth. Ignore your former bosses.
And don’t quit trying.
Business Opportunity,
mens health,
women fitness,
womens health
MLM Recruiting- Cold Market Prospecting -
5 HOT SCORCHING Opening Phrases by Doug Firebaugh There is a phrase in MLM Recruiting that we call the 5 Magic Words of Cold Market Prospecting.
These words can open more doors than you ever thought possible. I used them for years, and they opened thousands of doors. They also help recruit a ton of folks. What would that phrase be? "Maybe You Can Help me." These words can open doors, create curiosity, and open the hearts of many people to give you a helping hand in your Network Marketing Business. You may be wondering what do you say after those words. After all, what happens if that phrase gets someone's attention? What do you do? What do you say?
This brings us to the Golden Law of Cold MLM Market Prospecting: "Recruiting Starts after the initial Contact..." What does that mean? We found that if we didn't try to recruit them right off the bat, but waited till the second meeting or even third, our ratio for success went up. And it went up tremendously. Many people have a tendency to jump into a conversation with a new prospect, without realizing that it may require some time to develop the relationship, and even give it time to BE THE RIGHT TIME to pursue the conversation full force.
INFERNO Secret: Don't become an MLM Cold Market "ATTACK RECRUITER."
Give your cold prospect room to breathe, and let a rapport start to develop a little. If the prospect is cold to the idea, give it some time. Hold more conversations. The desire to help may be there, but give it time to grow and be revealed. A lot of times, it won't happen immediately, due to the intial lack of any interest on the prospects part, or bad experiences with others. Wait till the second conversation to bring up your desire to seek them for your business, or who they might know. This is only professional, and you are giving the relationship time to solidify and then mature into a real possible friendship.
INFERNO Secret: If you jump the gun too quick in MLM Cold Market recruiting, you will end up shooting yourself in the foot. Here are the "5 HOT Phrases for Cold market MLM Prospecting" These are mainly for people that you will meet in the business community when Net-Working your business, which you should be doing all the time!
The 5 Hot Phrases for MLM Cold Market Prospecting:
1) "I am a professional in the community like you."
2) "I am introducing myself to ."
3) "I love networking with other professionals."
4) "Maybe there is a way we could help each other."
5) "Would you be open to some coffee sometime?"
Let's take a look at these powerful opening phrases:
1) "I am a professional in the Community." This states an important fact: You are one of them. And this will create the start of a CONNECTION right off the bat, and also establish who you are to the Cold prospect, from one professional to another. Network Marketing is a profession, and you need to start treating it like one, if you are not.
2) "I am introducing myself." This sets up an important paradigm. You are taking the initiative to introduce and meet people in the community, and you are a take charge type of person. And it shows you really want to meet folks, as well it shows Leadership.
3) "I love networking with other professionals." This states one thing: You value other professionals as a resource. And you also show that you appreciate the fact that networking does work in the business world And also that as a resource, a professional has value to you and your Network Marketing business, and vice versa.
4) "Maybe there is a way we could help each other." This establishes that you are willing to Increase and Improve your prospects business and life. And also you do care about helping people, plus you are showing Potential value right upfront.
5) "Would you be open for coffee sometime?" This is the proactive part of it, and it simply gives them a chance to engage the budding relationship,or not. Most professionals do have an interest in increasing their business, so you will get some interest, and some time with many of them. But if they say they are not interested? Be a professional, and thank them for their time and wish them well.
And see if you can get a card for a thank you note to send them. "May I at least have a card in case I run across someone who would want your services?" Understand that you as a network marketer should be out weekly meeting folks who may need your products and looking for you. But most don't do that as they stay tied to one or two ways to prospect.
You need Multiple Lead Vehicles in Network Marketing.
INFERNO Secret: Millionaires in this business have multiple lead generating vehicles working for them, all the time, everywhere, with anyone who is looking. In your Cold market Network Marketing Prospecting, make sure of this: You put yourself on the other side of the table think about how would you like to be approached, and treated. Then do it, with these phrases or variations of them.
And turn your Cold prospect into a warming up prospect, then eventually a Scorching HOT MLM Prospect.
5 HOT SCORCHING Opening Phrases by Doug Firebaugh There is a phrase in MLM Recruiting that we call the 5 Magic Words of Cold Market Prospecting.
These words can open more doors than you ever thought possible. I used them for years, and they opened thousands of doors. They also help recruit a ton of folks. What would that phrase be? "Maybe You Can Help me." These words can open doors, create curiosity, and open the hearts of many people to give you a helping hand in your Network Marketing Business. You may be wondering what do you say after those words. After all, what happens if that phrase gets someone's attention? What do you do? What do you say?
This brings us to the Golden Law of Cold MLM Market Prospecting: "Recruiting Starts after the initial Contact..." What does that mean? We found that if we didn't try to recruit them right off the bat, but waited till the second meeting or even third, our ratio for success went up. And it went up tremendously. Many people have a tendency to jump into a conversation with a new prospect, without realizing that it may require some time to develop the relationship, and even give it time to BE THE RIGHT TIME to pursue the conversation full force.
INFERNO Secret: Don't become an MLM Cold Market "ATTACK RECRUITER."
Give your cold prospect room to breathe, and let a rapport start to develop a little. If the prospect is cold to the idea, give it some time. Hold more conversations. The desire to help may be there, but give it time to grow and be revealed. A lot of times, it won't happen immediately, due to the intial lack of any interest on the prospects part, or bad experiences with others. Wait till the second conversation to bring up your desire to seek them for your business, or who they might know. This is only professional, and you are giving the relationship time to solidify and then mature into a real possible friendship.
INFERNO Secret: If you jump the gun too quick in MLM Cold Market recruiting, you will end up shooting yourself in the foot. Here are the "5 HOT Phrases for Cold market MLM Prospecting" These are mainly for people that you will meet in the business community when Net-Working your business, which you should be doing all the time!
The 5 Hot Phrases for MLM Cold Market Prospecting:
1) "I am a professional in the community like you."
2) "I am introducing myself to ."
3) "I love networking with other professionals."
4) "Maybe there is a way we could help each other."
5) "Would you be open to some coffee sometime?"
Let's take a look at these powerful opening phrases:
1) "I am a professional in the Community." This states an important fact: You are one of them. And this will create the start of a CONNECTION right off the bat, and also establish who you are to the Cold prospect, from one professional to another. Network Marketing is a profession, and you need to start treating it like one, if you are not.
2) "I am introducing myself." This sets up an important paradigm. You are taking the initiative to introduce and meet people in the community, and you are a take charge type of person. And it shows you really want to meet folks, as well it shows Leadership.
3) "I love networking with other professionals." This states one thing: You value other professionals as a resource. And you also show that you appreciate the fact that networking does work in the business world And also that as a resource, a professional has value to you and your Network Marketing business, and vice versa.
4) "Maybe there is a way we could help each other." This establishes that you are willing to Increase and Improve your prospects business and life. And also you do care about helping people, plus you are showing Potential value right upfront.
5) "Would you be open for coffee sometime?" This is the proactive part of it, and it simply gives them a chance to engage the budding relationship,or not. Most professionals do have an interest in increasing their business, so you will get some interest, and some time with many of them. But if they say they are not interested? Be a professional, and thank them for their time and wish them well.
And see if you can get a card for a thank you note to send them. "May I at least have a card in case I run across someone who would want your services?" Understand that you as a network marketer should be out weekly meeting folks who may need your products and looking for you. But most don't do that as they stay tied to one or two ways to prospect.
You need Multiple Lead Vehicles in Network Marketing.
INFERNO Secret: Millionaires in this business have multiple lead generating vehicles working for them, all the time, everywhere, with anyone who is looking. In your Cold market Network Marketing Prospecting, make sure of this: You put yourself on the other side of the table think about how would you like to be approached, and treated. Then do it, with these phrases or variations of them.
And turn your Cold prospect into a warming up prospect, then eventually a Scorching HOT MLM Prospect.
Vitamin D supplementation lowers fracture risk
Vitamin D supplementation lowers fracture risk
Researchers have found that doses of 700 to 800 IU of vitamin D3 per day may reduce the risk of hip fracture by 26 percent and nonvertebral fracture by 23 percent.The May 11 2005 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association published the results of a meta-analysis of 12 clinical trials involving vitamin D supplementation in the prevention of fracture.
The analysis concluded that supplementation with higher than the commonly recommended 400 international unit (IU) doses of vitamin D reduces the risk of hip and nonvertebral fractures in older individuals. The vitamin D studies included a total of 19,114 men and women aged 60 and older. The trials used the form of the vitamin known as cholecalciferol, or vitamin D3, which, according to studies cited in the current review, may be much more effective than the dietary form of the vitamin.
The researchers found that doses of 700 to 800 IU of vitamin D3 per day reduced the risk of hip fracture by 26 percent and nonvertebral fracture by 23 percent. Studies that used 400 IU vitamin D3 or less found no significant benefit for either type of fracture.
The role of additional calcium supplementation could not clearly be defined from the studies, but it appears that at least 700 milligrams calcium per day may also be necessary for nonvertebral fracture prevention.
JAMA 2005 May 11;293(18):2257-64.
Researchers have found that doses of 700 to 800 IU of vitamin D3 per day may reduce the risk of hip fracture by 26 percent and nonvertebral fracture by 23 percent.The May 11 2005 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association published the results of a meta-analysis of 12 clinical trials involving vitamin D supplementation in the prevention of fracture.
The analysis concluded that supplementation with higher than the commonly recommended 400 international unit (IU) doses of vitamin D reduces the risk of hip and nonvertebral fractures in older individuals. The vitamin D studies included a total of 19,114 men and women aged 60 and older. The trials used the form of the vitamin known as cholecalciferol, or vitamin D3, which, according to studies cited in the current review, may be much more effective than the dietary form of the vitamin.
The researchers found that doses of 700 to 800 IU of vitamin D3 per day reduced the risk of hip fracture by 26 percent and nonvertebral fracture by 23 percent. Studies that used 400 IU vitamin D3 or less found no significant benefit for either type of fracture.
The role of additional calcium supplementation could not clearly be defined from the studies, but it appears that at least 700 milligrams calcium per day may also be necessary for nonvertebral fracture prevention.
JAMA 2005 May 11;293(18):2257-64.

Dave Wentz elected vice chairman of Direct Selling Association
Dear Associates,
Positive news continues to pour into USANA’s Home Office. We are thrilled to share the latest great news with you to help you build even more credibility with your prospects and customers.
We are very happy to announce that USANA president Dave Wentz was recently elected to a second term as vice chairman of the Direct Selling Association (DSA) Board of Directors and chairman of the Annual Meeting. As a board officer, Dave Wentz will play a major role in directing the DSA, a national trade association of leading companies that manufacture and distribute goods and services sold directly to consumers. USANA is one of more than 200 companies that are DSA members.
Dave explained, “I am proud to work for an organization that plays such an important role in serving and promoting our valuable industry. The DSA provides an important service to its members and the public through its commitment to ethical business practices and consumer advocacy.”
Read all about this story and USANA’s other news on our Web site, and be sure to check back regularly for more exciting announcements.
Have a great weekend!
Dan Macuga
Vice President of Network Development and Public Relations
USANA Health Sciences, Inc.
Dear Associates,
Positive news continues to pour into USANA’s Home Office. We are thrilled to share the latest great news with you to help you build even more credibility with your prospects and customers.
We are very happy to announce that USANA president Dave Wentz was recently elected to a second term as vice chairman of the Direct Selling Association (DSA) Board of Directors and chairman of the Annual Meeting. As a board officer, Dave Wentz will play a major role in directing the DSA, a national trade association of leading companies that manufacture and distribute goods and services sold directly to consumers. USANA is one of more than 200 companies that are DSA members.
Dave explained, “I am proud to work for an organization that plays such an important role in serving and promoting our valuable industry. The DSA provides an important service to its members and the public through its commitment to ethical business practices and consumer advocacy.”
Read all about this story and USANA’s other news on our Web site, and be sure to check back regularly for more exciting announcements.
Have a great weekend!
Dan Macuga
Vice President of Network Development and Public Relations
USANA Health Sciences, Inc.
Alternative Medicine,
mens health,
women fitness,
womens health
Thursday, September 20, 2007
vitamin D deficiency
A new study published in the July 2007 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found that many children may be at risk for a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is essential for normal growth and development and is important for immune function.
The researchers from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia assessed dietary and supplemental vitamin D intake, body mass, and measured blood levels of vitamin D in 382 healthy children between six years and 21 years of age living in the northeastern U.S. and found that more than half of the children had low blood levels of vitamin D. Of the subjects, 55 percent of the children had inadequate vitamin D blood levels and 68 percent overall had low blood levels of the vitamin in the wintertime.
African Americans, children aged 9 and older, and those whose vitamin D intake was low were likeliest to have reduced serum vitamin D levels. "The best indicator of a person's vitamin D status is the blood level of a vitamin D compound called 25-hydroxyvitamin D," Dr. Zemel, the lead investigator noted. "Vitamin D deficiency remains an under-recognized problem overall, and is not well studied in children."
The researchers added that further study is needed to determine the appropriate blood levels of vitamin D in children, as well as a review of the current recommendations for vitamin D intake.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2007 July; 86(1):150- 8
The researchers from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia assessed dietary and supplemental vitamin D intake, body mass, and measured blood levels of vitamin D in 382 healthy children between six years and 21 years of age living in the northeastern U.S. and found that more than half of the children had low blood levels of vitamin D. Of the subjects, 55 percent of the children had inadequate vitamin D blood levels and 68 percent overall had low blood levels of the vitamin in the wintertime.
African Americans, children aged 9 and older, and those whose vitamin D intake was low were likeliest to have reduced serum vitamin D levels. "The best indicator of a person's vitamin D status is the blood level of a vitamin D compound called 25-hydroxyvitamin D," Dr. Zemel, the lead investigator noted. "Vitamin D deficiency remains an under-recognized problem overall, and is not well studied in children."
The researchers added that further study is needed to determine the appropriate blood levels of vitamin D in children, as well as a review of the current recommendations for vitamin D intake.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2007 July; 86(1):150- 8
2nd Annual Children’s Hunger Fund charity ball
Don’t miss early bird pricing—ends September 30
Join us in Akron, Ohio Friday, November 2 and Saturday, November 3 for the 2nd annual Children’s Hunger Fund charity ball. In addition, we’ve planned a special Diamond University to take place before the ball. Not only will you be raising money for a great cause but you’ll also have an opportunity to train with the Diamonds!
Special Diamond speakers include:
5-Star Diamond Director, President’s Award winner for the past two years, Fortune and Growth 25 member Lynn Allen-Johnson
4-Star Diamond Director, Fortune and Growth 25 member Tim Lewis
2-Star Diamond Directors, Fortune and Growth 25 members Dr. Paige Hunter & Daniel Hunter
Diamond Director Steve Swartz
Don’t miss out on early bird pricing! Register for the Diamond University by September 30 and pay only $109 or buy a Diamond U/charity ball combo ticket for only $159. After September 30 the price will increase to $129 and $189 respectively.
Log on to USANAtoday, event registration and sign up for the Diamond U with item #854 or register for a Diamond U/charity ball combo ticket with item #855. You can also register by calling Order Express at 1-888-950-9595. For more information on this event, check out Associate Events located on USANAtoday or access an informational flyer here.
*The Hilton Hotel is holding a special room rate of $99 per night. Call (330) 867-5000 to make your room reservation and mention the CHF charity ball to receive the group rate
Join us in Akron, Ohio Friday, November 2 and Saturday, November 3 for the 2nd annual Children’s Hunger Fund charity ball. In addition, we’ve planned a special Diamond University to take place before the ball. Not only will you be raising money for a great cause but you’ll also have an opportunity to train with the Diamonds!
Special Diamond speakers include:
5-Star Diamond Director, President’s Award winner for the past two years, Fortune and Growth 25 member Lynn Allen-Johnson
4-Star Diamond Director, Fortune and Growth 25 member Tim Lewis
2-Star Diamond Directors, Fortune and Growth 25 members Dr. Paige Hunter & Daniel Hunter
Diamond Director Steve Swartz
Don’t miss out on early bird pricing! Register for the Diamond University by September 30 and pay only $109 or buy a Diamond U/charity ball combo ticket for only $159. After September 30 the price will increase to $129 and $189 respectively.
Log on to USANAtoday, event registration and sign up for the Diamond U with item #854 or register for a Diamond U/charity ball combo ticket with item #855. You can also register by calling Order Express at 1-888-950-9595. For more information on this event, check out Associate Events located on USANAtoday or access an informational flyer here.
*The Hilton Hotel is holding a special room rate of $99 per night. Call (330) 867-5000 to make your room reservation and mention the CHF charity ball to receive the group rate
What Are Macro-Optimizers?
What Are Macro-Optimizers?
Virtually all chronic degenerative diseases that plague today's world are caused or exacerbated by the deterioration of the modern diet. MACRO-OPTIMIZERS were developed to provide great-tasting, high-quality macronutrients your body needs to maintain health and feel great.
These convenient, lowglycemic foods can be used along with the ESSENTIALS™ and OPTIMIZERS to complete your healthy diet. Many MACRO-OPTIMIZER foods contain beneficial ingredients like dietary fiber, soy protein, and potassium - ingredients that may help prevent cancer, heart disease, and hypertension.�
To achieve and maintain a healthy body, your body's cells need specific nutrients (high-quality protein, varied fiber sources, low-glycemic carbohydrates, beneficial fats, vitamins, and minerals). When your body's cells lack these vital nutrients, they do not function properly.
At USANA, we understand that good nutrition includes both micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other compounds we consume in small amounts) and macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that make up the bulk of our food). The primary goal of good nutrition is to promote lifelong good health. This state of well-being implies the optimal performance of all body systems.
THE RIGHT MACRONUTRIENTS It is vitally important that your diet include the right types of each class of macronutrient:
The right carbohydrates are either complex carbohydrates or fiber, and have a low-glycemic index. Complex carbohydrates and fiber generally supply additional healthy trace elements and phytonutrients, as well as energy.
A healthy diet includes a variety of protein sources including complete proteins, which contain all of the essential amino acids.
Beneficial fats are high in essential fatty acids and low in saturated fatty acids. No more than 10 percent of your total daily calories should be derived from saturated fat.
THE IMPORTANCE OF A LOW-FAT, HIGH-FIBER DIET Soluble fiber, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. Low-fat diets rich in fiber-containing grain products, fruits, and vegetables may also reduce the risk of some types of cancer, a disease associated with many factors. Unfortunately, the normal diet in today's society includes only onehalf to two-thirds of the fiber necessary for optimal health.1 The positive impact of a highfiber diet is increased when there is a concurrent reduction in the amount of saturated fat consumed.2
GLYCEMIC INDEX: WHAT IT MEANS FOR YOU The glycemic index is a way of measuring the rate at which carbohydrates are broken down and appear in the blood as simple sugars. Those foods that result in a rapid rise in blood sugar have a high-glycemic index. Carbohydrates that are broken down slowly and cause only a moderate increase in blood sugar have a low-glycemic index. Some carbohydrates fall in between.
High-glycemic foods provide quick energy, but it is usually short lived and hunger soon returns. Low-glycemic foods provide greater satiety and sustained energy, which makes eating less and losing weight easier.
High-glycemic diets also have been linked to obesity, type II diabetes, insulin resistance, and heart disease. Virtually all convenience foods and many meal replacement and diet products on the market today are unfortunately, high glycemic.3
TRANS FATTY ACIDS AND YOUR HEALTH Trans fatty acids, or trans fats, are created when food manufacturers turn vegetable oil into solid fat, like shortening and hard margarine. This process increases the shelf life of foods, including the potato chips, cookies, and fried food that Americans consume every day. Trans fat behaves like saturated fat, clogging arteries and increasing LDL-C (bad cholesterol) levels. Trans fat may also reduce HDL (good cholesterol levels). Elevated LDL-C increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease. The health risks posed by this dangerous fat have prompted the FDA to require that U.S. food manufacturers list trans fat amounts on all nutritional labels by 2006.
USANA MACRO-OPTIMIZERS New MACRO-OPTIMIZERS are a healthy source of complex carbohydrates, complete proteins, and beneficial fats. SOYAMAX™, based on highquality soy protein, provides complete and balanced amino acids. And some MACRO-OPTIMIZERS, such as FIBERGY® and Iced Lemon FIBERGY BARS™, are low-fat, high-fiber foods. These delicious snack bars and drink mixes are formulated to be low glycemic to provide sustained energy throughout the day. All USANA MACRO-OPTIMIZERS have been analyzed and do not contain trans fats.
MACRO-OPTIMIZERS have been developed by USANA's team of scientists to help take the guesswork out of proper nutrition. These precision formulations not only provide the correct amounts of healthy carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, they also taste great and are convenient. More importantly, they will help you build a lasting foundation for true health for tomorrow.
�Low-fat diets rich in dietary fiber may reduce the risk of some types of cancer, a disease associated with many factors. Diets low in saturated fat that include 25 grams of soy protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease. Diets containing foods that are a good source of potassium and that are low in sodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
1. Munoz KA, et al., Pediatr, 1997; 100:323-29.
2. Lampe JW, Am J Clin Nutr, 1999; 70(S):475S-90S.
3. Foster-Powell K, Holt S, Brand-Miller JC., Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2002; 76:5-56
WANT TO ORDER: Click here!
Virtually all chronic degenerative diseases that plague today's world are caused or exacerbated by the deterioration of the modern diet. MACRO-OPTIMIZERS were developed to provide great-tasting, high-quality macronutrients your body needs to maintain health and feel great.
These convenient, lowglycemic foods can be used along with the ESSENTIALS™ and OPTIMIZERS to complete your healthy diet. Many MACRO-OPTIMIZER foods contain beneficial ingredients like dietary fiber, soy protein, and potassium - ingredients that may help prevent cancer, heart disease, and hypertension.�
To achieve and maintain a healthy body, your body's cells need specific nutrients (high-quality protein, varied fiber sources, low-glycemic carbohydrates, beneficial fats, vitamins, and minerals). When your body's cells lack these vital nutrients, they do not function properly.
At USANA, we understand that good nutrition includes both micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other compounds we consume in small amounts) and macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that make up the bulk of our food). The primary goal of good nutrition is to promote lifelong good health. This state of well-being implies the optimal performance of all body systems.
THE RIGHT MACRONUTRIENTS It is vitally important that your diet include the right types of each class of macronutrient:
The right carbohydrates are either complex carbohydrates or fiber, and have a low-glycemic index. Complex carbohydrates and fiber generally supply additional healthy trace elements and phytonutrients, as well as energy.
A healthy diet includes a variety of protein sources including complete proteins, which contain all of the essential amino acids.
Beneficial fats are high in essential fatty acids and low in saturated fatty acids. No more than 10 percent of your total daily calories should be derived from saturated fat.
THE IMPORTANCE OF A LOW-FAT, HIGH-FIBER DIET Soluble fiber, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. Low-fat diets rich in fiber-containing grain products, fruits, and vegetables may also reduce the risk of some types of cancer, a disease associated with many factors. Unfortunately, the normal diet in today's society includes only onehalf to two-thirds of the fiber necessary for optimal health.1 The positive impact of a highfiber diet is increased when there is a concurrent reduction in the amount of saturated fat consumed.2
GLYCEMIC INDEX: WHAT IT MEANS FOR YOU The glycemic index is a way of measuring the rate at which carbohydrates are broken down and appear in the blood as simple sugars. Those foods that result in a rapid rise in blood sugar have a high-glycemic index. Carbohydrates that are broken down slowly and cause only a moderate increase in blood sugar have a low-glycemic index. Some carbohydrates fall in between.
High-glycemic foods provide quick energy, but it is usually short lived and hunger soon returns. Low-glycemic foods provide greater satiety and sustained energy, which makes eating less and losing weight easier.
High-glycemic diets also have been linked to obesity, type II diabetes, insulin resistance, and heart disease. Virtually all convenience foods and many meal replacement and diet products on the market today are unfortunately, high glycemic.3
TRANS FATTY ACIDS AND YOUR HEALTH Trans fatty acids, or trans fats, are created when food manufacturers turn vegetable oil into solid fat, like shortening and hard margarine. This process increases the shelf life of foods, including the potato chips, cookies, and fried food that Americans consume every day. Trans fat behaves like saturated fat, clogging arteries and increasing LDL-C (bad cholesterol) levels. Trans fat may also reduce HDL (good cholesterol levels). Elevated LDL-C increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease. The health risks posed by this dangerous fat have prompted the FDA to require that U.S. food manufacturers list trans fat amounts on all nutritional labels by 2006.
USANA MACRO-OPTIMIZERS New MACRO-OPTIMIZERS are a healthy source of complex carbohydrates, complete proteins, and beneficial fats. SOYAMAX™, based on highquality soy protein, provides complete and balanced amino acids. And some MACRO-OPTIMIZERS, such as FIBERGY® and Iced Lemon FIBERGY BARS™, are low-fat, high-fiber foods. These delicious snack bars and drink mixes are formulated to be low glycemic to provide sustained energy throughout the day. All USANA MACRO-OPTIMIZERS have been analyzed and do not contain trans fats.
MACRO-OPTIMIZERS have been developed by USANA's team of scientists to help take the guesswork out of proper nutrition. These precision formulations not only provide the correct amounts of healthy carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, they also taste great and are convenient. More importantly, they will help you build a lasting foundation for true health for tomorrow.
�Low-fat diets rich in dietary fiber may reduce the risk of some types of cancer, a disease associated with many factors. Diets low in saturated fat that include 25 grams of soy protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease. Diets containing foods that are a good source of potassium and that are low in sodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
1. Munoz KA, et al., Pediatr, 1997; 100:323-29.
2. Lampe JW, Am J Clin Nutr, 1999; 70(S):475S-90S.
3. Foster-Powell K, Holt S, Brand-Miller JC., Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2002; 76:5-56
WANT TO ORDER: Click here!
Alternative Medicine,
womens health
If you answered yes to any of those questions read further.
Let me address the three most common qualities people are looking for in a successful business opportunity:
Does the company have a solid track record and is it financially stable?
Yes and Yes! Our company was founded in 1992 and publicly traded on NASDAQ since 1994! In fact, it is currently listed among the Top 100 Stocks to own in Investors Business Daily and #9 on Business Week's Top 100 Growth Stocks!
Once I get started, what kind of support and training will I receive?
Our team hosts multiple training teleconferences each week in addition to significant one-on-one training and 24-hr online support systems.
Do I have to bother my family, friends and neighbors?
Absolutely NOT! Our team has a proven track record of exponential growth through our online marketing systems.
If you’re searching for a reputable company, an outstanding team, an exceptional product line and a highly profitable business opportunity
My #1 goal is to provide you with facts…not fluff…to enable you to determine if this business opportunity is appropriate for you.
Follow the link below and you’ll have access to my personal site.
Once there, you will have access to:
Two special reports from WELLNESS MISPHITZ™, LLC, a full overview of our business opportunity and an invitation to attend a teleconference where you will learn the details of our online marketing system.
You'll be able to hear two web casts by USANA trainers and Jason and Alice.
System #1 Multiple Streams of Income
Here are just a few of the things you'll learn:
The 7 Major "but..." statements about home businesses (you might even be thinking of a few right now) that our business completely eliminates!
How this system is allowing people just like you to a) Begin building a residual income b) Replace their current income c) Retire, very comfortably, within 3-5 years from now!
Plus, you'll hear the story of how this business changed the way Jason and Alice and others on our team thought about Network Marketing!
System #2 Your Health is in Danger
Shocking discovery from Jason and Alice concerning your health and how this information is affecting baby boomers...the largest segment of our population. Learn how this helps promote your business by taking advantage of the No. 1 economic trend!
Shocking discovery from Jason and Alice concerning your health and how this information is affecting baby boomers...the largest segment of our population. Learn how this helps promote your business by taking advantage of the No. 1 economic trend!
You'll be invited to attend a Teleconference with Jason and Alice's Team! We will invite successful team members on this interactive call where you'll learn exactly how the Jason and Alice marketing system works and how you can use these methods to create a substantial income from home!
You'll be invited to attend a Teleconference with Jason and Alice's Team! We will invite successful team members on this interactive call where you'll learn exactly how the Jason and Alice marketing system works and how you can use these methods to create a substantial income from home!
Jason and Alice will help you achieve financial freedom. It's your turn to see why he says, “In our 4 years of research and experience, I can honestly say we’ve never seen a faster, simpler way to create income!”
I hope you’ll find them just as useful!
If your interested in free reports that changed our life, please email us:
USANA was ranked in the Top 12 Best Small-Cap Company by Forbes Magazine
I found out that USANA was ranked in the Top 12 Best Small-Cap Company by Forbes Magazine, 2004-2006
I also discovered that their products were ranked as the #1 Nutritional Supplement in North America byt an independent third party company - NutriSearch, in it's publication, The Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements, 2000-2007
I was also impressed when I discovered this company was rated the #1 Home-Based Business for 9 consecutive years, by MLM Insider Magazine, 1997-2007, It was also on the list of America’s 200 Best Small Companies, Forbes 2005, It had received an Award for Excellence in Home Based Business by Hills Excellence in Business Committee (HEBC) 2007, and the list goes on including having several products listed in the Physicians Desk reference Guide.
I was blown away!
This is why i became a distributor and business owner with USANA
I also discovered that their products were ranked as the #1 Nutritional Supplement in North America byt an independent third party company - NutriSearch, in it's publication, The Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements, 2000-2007
I was also impressed when I discovered this company was rated the #1 Home-Based Business for 9 consecutive years, by MLM Insider Magazine, 1997-2007, It was also on the list of America’s 200 Best Small Companies, Forbes 2005, It had received an Award for Excellence in Home Based Business by Hills Excellence in Business Committee (HEBC) 2007, and the list goes on including having several products listed in the Physicians Desk reference Guide.
I was blown away!
This is why i became a distributor and business owner with USANA
Free Starter Kits help you sprint to the finish of USANA Games

Free Starter Kits help you sprint to the finish of USANA Games
For the next two weeks, all new Associates who enroll online and activate 1 or 3 BCs are eligible to receive Free Starter Kits (BDS/eBDS). USANA Games players, use this offer to help you finish strong!
USANA is excited to offer Free Starter Kits (BDS/eBDS) to all new Associates in North America from September 15–29, 2007. New Associates who enroll online and earn enough sales volume points to activate 1 Business Center (BC) will receive an eBDS. New Associates who enroll online and earn enough sales volume points to activate 3 BCs will have the choice of receiving the eBDS or the regular BDS.
Log on to USANAtoday for more information.
For the next two weeks, all new Associates who enroll online and activate 1 or 3 BCs are eligible to receive Free Starter Kits (BDS/eBDS). USANA Games players, use this offer to help you finish strong!
USANA is excited to offer Free Starter Kits (BDS/eBDS) to all new Associates in North America from September 15–29, 2007. New Associates who enroll online and earn enough sales volume points to activate 1 Business Center (BC) will receive an eBDS. New Associates who enroll online and earn enough sales volume points to activate 3 BCs will have the choice of receiving the eBDS or the regular BDS.
Log on to USANAtoday for more information.
Two hot buys to celebrate cooler days

Two hot buys to celebrate cooler days
Celebrate the beginning of autumn with two special buys. The Smart Heart Set will earn you additional SVP, and if you buy a Sensé™ Basic Pack, you’ll get a Rice Bran Polisher FREE!
Earn 11 additional Sales Volume Points!
Smart Heart Set—CoQuinone® 30 and Proflavanol® 90
Item #911 • 75 SVP (normally valued at 64 SVP)
$74.90 US / $106.45 CAN
FREE gift!
Sensé™ Basic Pack with FREE Rice Bran Polisher
Item #351 • 65 SVP
$74.95 US (regularly $103.30 if purchased separately) / $99.95 CAN (regularly $146.75 if purchased separately)
Log on to USANAtoday for more details and to order! Offer ENDS Friday, September 28 or while supplies last!
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