Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jetnetting Connection

Heshie Segal --Jetnetting Connection []

I read the note, “My ideal job….” and hope by sharing this, many of you will see yourselves (as I see myself when I sometimes grasped for straws and not quality) and, what happens if you go after a dead-end lead and its waste of time - unless you turn it around and learn a lesson in the process. I started to write this, and then a few sentences later, it took on a life of its own.

The original note: My ideal work at home job is typing documents, inputting data, taking orders over the phone, contacting people who have expressed an interest in purchasing items, answering calls from clients/customers, and jobs similar to those mentioned. I want to get paid based on production. I do not want to have to have to put up money up front to start the business, I don't want to keep inventory, mail items, nor solicit buyers for products. Now, do you have anything that fits my taste?

My Response to the above note: (I took this thought by thought)

Dear “My ideal job…” Prospect,

I acknowledge you for having such a clear picture of what you want in a "job". I am responding to your "do you have anything that fits my taste?" and then you can make up your mind if you want to proceed. The next step would be to see if we can work together. What I have found in this business is that I get to choose my partners. I am sure you can appreciate this. Our company finds that partnership and team work are very important to our ongoing success.

We do occasionally type documents. The kind of document depends on the situation. Perhaps it is in response to a team member request, a clarification document or a strategy developing for expanding our team in a creative way.

We do input data. It is mostly when we are enrolling preferred customers who want to enjoy optimum health or people who want to join our business for time and/or financial freedom. It sounds as if you would enjoy doing this kind of input.

We contact people who respond to information on our websites. They are interested in making a purchase. They simply sign on through the website and we contact them to see how they are doing. We thus follow up. I call this a win-win and I know you can understand how lucrative this can be and it sounds like you would be just the person to follow up because you care.

We do get paid on production. We talk to people, we produce and we get paid. From what I have read in your description, you want to be paid on production. Perhaps, then the following would be of interest to you. We are rated as the #1 compensation plan. Usana does not do the rating….there would be no integrity in that. I have to chuckle here since we hear from so many companies who claim to be #1.

Most people who say they do not want to put money up front to start a business are ones who have always held a job. They have not yet ventured out as entrepreneurs. They are building someone else's dream and have not yet seen the value of being their own boss in the truest sense of the word. Entrepreneurs take risks to attain their freedom and what they want in life. I personally love the idea that I get paid for my efforts and I can create the income I want. There is no limit other than my own energy and belief system. If I want more, I do more and/or I look for partners who share my vision and we work together.

I surely understand your desire to not stock inventory. That is one of the reasons I am with Usana. I have been with other companies that have required me to stock inventory and others who make earnings depend your ability to earn money depending on volume you produce thus forcing stockpiling to stay afloat. That was burdensome, to say the least. It sounds like you want to be an associate with our as opposed to becoming a distributor who has the opportunity to retail and carry inventory. It does not sound like you own a gym or a salon or anything of that sort, or am I wrong on that?

You don't want to do mailing? I can understand that one. It's a personal choice. Some people do put things in the mail to bring in new business. It is not what I do and again that is my choice. I prefer to carry information with me wherever I go so if someone shows interest, I can hand them something to read or perhaps something they can take home to see or hear. Then there are those days when I just do not want to leave the house and I expand my business by sending out mail and being on the phone . Well, I have devised a system for that. If that is of interest to you, then we can talk. It sounds like we have a lot of the same feelings so perhaps a good chat on the phone will help us both to see if there is a match.

You did mention one last thing - that you did not want to solicit buyers for products. Once again, I have to chuckle. It took my wonderful fiancée 10 months to bring me on board to do Usana as a business. He was very gentle and patient while I came up with every excuse in the book. He persisted. He even dragged me to the Usana convention where I sat with my arms folded. On the last day of the convention, when I got the science behind the product and this fabulous company, the people I could help with its products, and the science and integrity of the founder, Dr. Wentz was this remarkable world renowned scientist dedicated to helping mankind, I turned to him and said, “I can do this. I know so many people I can help. BUT I AM NOT PUSHING THOSE PILLS!!!” He looked at me and very quietly said, "This is not about pushing pills. This is about helping people to have optimum health. You care so much about people. Now you have another way to do it."

Mr../Ms Prospect, I have taken longer than I intended to respond to your requirements and yet I did it because once you “get” the brilliance of this company, its founder, its products, its compensation plan, its reputation in the hottest growing industry, its special teams, you will understand that it is the best choice you can possibly make. Would l like to have you join my team? I am not sure. We would have to talk and see if it works for us both. You see, as your sponsor, I would be dedicated to your success. I work with people who want to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others. I work with people who are committed to success. I work with people who are positive. Does that describe you?

At your option we can discuss this further to mutually decide if there is a fit. If this is not something that works for you, good luck with your journey. As for me, I will continue my quest for helping people with their health, their wealth creation, with their personal development.


Usana Associate’s name

Additional thoughts from Heshie Segal:

There are so many people out there who could benefit from Usana - products, business and both. I suggest caution with this person…they sound more like the assistant type than a go-getter. I must admit, I tend to be one of those people who likes to save the world and especially those who say no - I want to understand why and how I can help them. So, when I go about my Usana business these days, I recognize I have to stay far away from people who will drain my energy. Once I enroll people, I am theirs and if they do not perform and I stay committed to them, it means my other enrollees get less of me. Not a good scenario.

I have only been with Usana for two years. I have been moderately successful in having become a Ruby Director. As my business gets stronger and stronger, I choose to work only with people who are positive and don't expect me to build their businesses for them. Do I still go after people who said “no” a year ago? You bet. And it is only because I like them and feel they have just not gotten it . . . yet. Each one of them knows when I stop talking about Usana, they are in trouble because I have given up on them (and I don't give up easily). If they don't care about their health, then I cannot make them.

I do not work cold leads. Perhaps this is why I had such a strong response to the note from the person who wanted to see if there was “anything to suit his or her taste”. I am a face to face person. I talk to everyone who moves. If they do not smile or are open, I move on. If I got a note like this from someone, I would either let it go and move on, or I would respond as I did above.

Usana is a gift and we do not have to go after people who put forth requirements such as the person above, unless we are looking for an assistant. It appears as if this person simply wants a job without responsibility. These are my thoughts:

This person:

Is not a self-starter

Is someone who is simply content to build someone else's dream or income.

Does not have start up money because of a current life style or belief system (and if

he/she doesn’t make changes it will always be this way)

Is not yet ready to buy because of not seeing the value

Is looking for a way to say no.

Is content with the way life is, or in is happy living in his/her comfort zone

Has low self-esteem, is very young or lacks of experience.

Has self-limiting beliefs.

Has no idea what is it is to be an entrepreneur.

Could make a great assistant (wants an office job in the house), etc.

In closing, I would say this person has given us a gift. They have provided us with a learning experience. If we can answer these questions, statements, objections or challenges, we can overcome other areas more easily. It is wonderful practice.

Heshie Segal, Ruby Director

-----Original Message-----


From: Terri Hamel []

Crossline opinion sought! How would you handle a lead (if at all) who has responded to your email contact with the following?

My ideal work at home job is typing documents, inputting data, taking orders over the phone, contacting people who have expressed an interest in purchasing items, answering calls from clients/customers, and jobs similar to those mentioned. I want to get paid based on production. I do not want to have to have to put up money up front to start the business, I don't want to keep inventory, mail items, nor solicit buyers for products. Now, do you have anything that fits my taste?

Terri Hamel


The Two Choices We Face

The Two Choices We Face
by Jim Rohn

Each of us has two distinct choices to make about what we will do with our lives. The first choice we can make is to be less than we have the capacity to be. To earn less. To have less. To read less and think less. To try less and discipline ourselves less. These are the choices that lead to an empty life. These are the choices that, once made, lead to a life of constant apprehension instead of a life of wondrous anticipation.

And the second choice? To do it all! To become all that we can possibly be. To read every book that we possibly can. To earn as much as we possibly can. To give and share as much as we possibly can. To strive and produce and accomplish as much as we possibly can. All of us have the choice.

To do or not to do. To be or not to be. To be all or to be less or to be nothing at all.

Like the tree, it would be a worthy challenge for us all to stretch upward and outward to the full measure of our capabilities. Why not do all that we can, every moment that we can, the best that we can, for as long as we can?

Our ultimate life objective should be to create as much as our talent and ability and desire will permit. To settle for doing less than we could do is to fail in this worthiest of undertakings.

Results are the best measurement of human progress. Not conversation. Not explanation. Not justification. Results! And if our results are less than our potential suggests that they should be, then we must strive to become more today than we were the day before. The greatest rewards are always reserved for those who bring great value to themselves and the world around them as a result of who and what they have become.

To Your Success,
Jim Rohn

This article was submitted by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher. To subscribe to the Free Jim Rohn Weekly E-zine go to or send a blank email to
Copyright © 2008 Jim Rohn International. All rights reserved worldwide.

Five Rules to Follow When Prospecting in Your Warm Market

Five Rules to Follow When Prospecting in Your Warm Market

By Tim Sales

Forget for a second that you’re in network marketing. What if you were starting any other kind of business like a retail store, a salon, or a construction company. Where would you get your customers? Your employees? How about business partners? Where would you find them?

In one or more of those categories a friend, acquaintance or family member might be the right fit, maybe not. Maybe they know someone who is the right fit. Somehow it always works itself back to an acquaintance, a recommendation or a referral. This is called your "warm market."

Life seems to be a series of experiences brought on by connections to other people. Your job as a Networker is to connect the bridges together and move past the disinterested in a professional and honest way, without "pushing." Most businesses begin this way.

Your warm market can be one of the greatest resources to your business. Dealing with family and friends can be a blessing or a curse, but if you want your family and friends to continue to respect you, give you referrals, be your customer, and possibly say "yes" to your presentation, I recommend you follow these five rules to working with your warm market:

Rule #1 – Hold your tongue. Don’t ever insult someone for his or her decision not to buy your products or participate with you in your business. Don’t tell someone they’re stupid for not doing business with you, even if it is the way you "talk to your brother." It’s unprofessional and out of place.

Rule #2 – Be wise. "No" rarely means never. That same brother in three weeks or three years could lose his job. If you’ve made a fool out of yourself, not only will he not do the business, he will tell all of your friends to avoid you. All of this because "you told him" how stupid he was. That’s not wise.

Rule #3 – Deal with it. For 10 years I’ve dealt with objections, concerns, past failures, bad experiences, etc, which have all taught me how to successfully handle these issues. The good news is that all of these objections are resolved and discussed in the "Brilliant Compensation" DVD presentation. Just as an experienced dentist knows that treating teeth is the easy part and the hard part is dealing with the patient’s "baggage"… like the time the "other" dentist stuck a six-foot needle in their gum when they were 14 years old. "Dealing" with these issues is what "wins" the patient. Once the trust is established you’ve got them for life or until you decide to stop servicing their needs.

Rule #4 – Yes or No. Some prospects just take one conversation to be interested and some prospects take 10 conversations. (Nine of those conversations resulted in a "No" answer even though the reason for the "No" was never stated.) If you take the thought process as being that either the prospect says "Yes" or "No," then you’ll miss the art of communication and networking. Suppose your company has 20 products. If your prospect says "No", find out what they are saying "No" to. Are they saying "No" to all 20 products? Are they saying "No" to "I don’t want to diversify my income?", or to "I don’t know anyone who needs or wants any of your 20 products?" That’s a lot to say "No" to. I recommend that you find out exactly what your prospects are truly saying "No" to, then deal with that issue.

Rule #5 – Don’t be a bug. Do not ever "bug" family and friends about your company or products. Sometimes Networkers get extremely focused, which is good, and it should never be suppressed. Focus is what creates success. Just be disciplined as to what and who deserves that focus. If it’s a friend or family member who clearly isn’t interested, quit wasting time there and get in front of people who do want this.

And there you have it – five rules to follow when working with your friends and family.


Friday, January 25, 2008

Health and Freedom '08/Thursday - Jan. 31st - 9:00AM MST

Health and Freedom '08
Online Tele-seminar

Thursday - Jan. 31st - 9:00AM MST

Dail in #: 1-712-580-1800
Access Code: 353644#

Online Presentation Link

The H&F '08 Tele-seminar will be followed by a 20 min. Vision Builders' Power Training Tele-seminar for all New Associates.

Wednesday - Jan. 30th - 7:30PM MST/Health and Freedom '08

Health and Freedom '08
Online Tele-seminar

Wednesday - Jan. 30th - 7:30PM MST
Dial-in #: 1-517-417-5000
Access Code: 353644#

Online Presentation Link

The H&F '08 Tele-seminar will be followed by a 20 min. Compensation Plan Training Tele-seminar for all New Associates.

Sunday - Jan. 27th - 7:30PM MST

The Possibility Call
Ask the Vision Builder

Sunday - Jan. 27th - 7:30PM MST

Dial-in #: 1-712-580-1800
Access Code: 353644#

Online Presentation Link

The Possibility Call is where we "huddle" to answer questions and keep everyone FOCUSED on BUSINESS SUCCESS. We train, share, encourage, and support!

USANA Reset Webinar /Tuesday, January 29

Guests & Associates, you are invited to a USANA Reset Webinar to learn more about optimal health & losing weight through the Reset & Transform phases (12-week program) as well as our 2008 Reset Contest!

Reset Webinar
Tuesday, January 29
7:00 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. Mountain
1-212-990-8000 (6063#)

Webcast Room - - click on "Global Conference Calls Theater".

Schedule of Speakers

7:00 p.m. Mtn. - "From a Scientist's Perspective" - Dr. John Cuomo who will cover our Clinical Trial Study and the glycemic index of the USANA products.

7:30 p.m. Mtn. - "From a Physician's Perspective" - Dr. Ray Strand who will cover the issues of Insulin Resistance, Glycemic Index, the 12-week program & the support of the Healthy for Life program.

8:15 p.m. Mtn. - "From the Product User's Perspective" - Hear from 4 product users who have had amazing experiences with this program!

- Dana Hoover

- Diane Miller

- Kevin Smith

- Charlene Webster

8:35 - 8:45 p.m. Mtn. - The Reset Contest & Closing Remarks – Mark Wilson, USANA V.P.

Don't just make resolutions for 2008, MAKE LIFESTYLE LIFETIME IMPROVEMENTS!!!

Create YOUR Success for 2008!!!

Patti Roney
Ruby Director & International Trainer
Global Calls Hostess

Lynn Allen-Johnson

You can find Lynn Allen-Johnson in the November 2006 issue of "Success From Home Magazine" on page 125 or click the link below to access the complete feature now.

#3 of 100 Hot Growth Companies in Business Week, July 2005
#5 of 200 Best Small Cap Companies in Forbes, November 2005
#1 in the Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements!

Super Saturday with the Diamonds/February 2, 2008

Super Saturday with the Diamonds


Lynn Allen-Johnson - 5-Star Diamond
Tony & Tammy Daum - 2-Star Diamonds
Mark Wilson - Executive Vice-President for USANA

Date: February 2, 2008


First Presbyterian Church of Orlando (Lee Fellowship Hall)
106 East Church Street, Orlando 32801
Go to for directions.
(Allow extra time - there is a lot of construction going on!)


9:00 - 9:30 Registration
9:30 - 10:30 Health & Freedom
10:30 - 11:00 Sign ups & snack break
11:00 - 5:00 Training

There will be a 30 minute lunch break. You can bring your own lunch or you can purchase a boxed lunch if you pre-register @ by January 25th.

(Boxed lunch option will be closed after the 25th)

Registration cost:

$20.00 per single distributorship
$25.00 per couple on the same distributorship
Admission is free for non-distributor guests
Boxed lunch includes sandwich, slaw, bag of chips, fruit and a drink
(Pre registered only) $10.00

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Mild exercise increases fitness and cuts cardiovascular risk

Mild exercise increases fitness and cuts cardiovascular risk

A study conducted at Duke University and published in the journal Chest compared the effects of three different exercise regimens on fitness improvements in overweight men and women who were at risk for heart disease.

Broken into four groups, the volunteers either did not exercise, walked briskly for 12 miles a week at a moderate intensity, walked briskly or jogged slowly 12 miles a week at a vigorous intensity, or jogged 20 miles a week at a vigorous intensity.

Two measurements of fitness - time-to-exhaustion and oxygen consumption - were measured before and after 7 to 9 months of training.

All exercise groups saw fitness improvements compared to baseline. Results indicated that two to three hours of mild exercise a week at a moderate intensity is sufficient to increase aerobic fitness and cut the risk of cardiovascular disease. Increasing either the intensity or the amount of exercise provided additional improvements in fitness.

Although more vigorous exercise should still be encouraged for maximum benefit, this study demonstrates that it is appropriate to recommend mild exercise to improve fitness levels and reduce cardiovascular disease risk, especially in those who are overweight and sedentary.


AHA Scientific Statements AHA Statements Alice Clegg Alternative Medicine antioxidants body building Business Opportunity Calcium California Cancer cardiovascular diseases cooking diets fitness food health health and freedom Jason Kilgore Kilgore and USANA Kilgore Defense Institute Kilgore MMA Martial Arts mens health Mexico USANA Minerals nutrition nutritional Recipes Safety Sierra Foothills Karate nutrition advice sports Sports Health Sports Nutrition Statements Stress Stress Management USANA Usana and Alice Clegg Usana and Jason Kilgore Usana and Sierra Foothills Karate USANA HEALTH SCIENCES USANA HEALTH SCIENCES DISTRIBUTOR Utah vitamins wellness Wellness Misphitz women fitness womens health

Integritas Group Community Call

Integritas Group Community Call: Diamond Director Steve Swartz

Saturday, January 26th, 11 AM EST
Phone: 605-990-0400
Access Code: 1095879#

It's 7PM and time to prospect. You're in your office, ready to dial. Somehow the phone gained weight since the last time you used it. It now weighs 50 lbs. How'd that happen? You're hoping for an answering machine .. a wrong number .. anything but a live prospect! What's going on?

At one time or another, we've all experienced fear in prospecting. Why is that? On Saturday, Steve will talk about this phenomenon and will help you overcome your fear of phoning.

Log on & dial in early ... we expect a huge turnout!


AHA Scientific Statements AHA Statements Alice Clegg Alternative Medicine antioxidants body building Business Opportunity Calcium California Cancer cardiovascular diseases cooking diets fitness food health health and freedom Jason Kilgore Kilgore and USANA Kilgore Defense Institute Kilgore MMA Martial Arts mens health Mexico USANA Minerals nutrition nutritional Recipes Safety Sierra Foothills Karate nutrition advice sports Sports Health Sports Nutrition Statements Stress Stress Management USANA Usana and Alice Clegg Usana and Jason Kilgore Usana and Sierra Foothills Karate USANA HEALTH SCIENCES USANA HEALTH SCIENCES DISTRIBUTOR Utah vitamins wellness Wellness Misphitz women fitness womens health


Acu-Cell Analysis - compares conventional lab tests with cellular measurements when assessing essential minerals and trace elements, antioxidants (flavonoids), Vitamin B12 / cobalt, as well as stomach acid, thyroid, adrenal and lipid status.

Acu-Cell Nutrition - takes a look at the association of vitamins, bioflavonoids, minerals (bismuth, boron, bromine, calcium, chloride, chromium, cobalt, copper,fluoride, germanium, iodine, iron, lithium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum,nickel, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, sodium, strontium, sulfur, tin,vanadium, zinc), and other supplements. It covers their synergism, antagonism,
recommended dietary allowance, toxicity / deficiency signs and symptoms, andcellular interactions with other biological factors and various disease processes.

Acu-Cell Disorders - profiles an alphabetical list of common medical conditionsand their relationship to nutritional excesses and deficiencies. It features details on ADD/ADHD, Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS), Alzheimer's disease, hypoglycemia, H.Pylori, cancer, migraine headaches, muscle spasms / cramps, prostatitis, and osteoporosis and its relationship to Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin K and AAACa.

Diets and MLM - looks at high / low carb, fat, and protein-promoting diets, the health effects of MLM products and random self-supplementation, incl.Vitamin C, coral calcium, the blood type diet, sterols & sterolins, vegetarianism, chocolate, simple, refined and complex sugar / carbs, glycemic index / load & satiety index.

Mineral Ratios - offers a clinical perspective on the importance of maintaining a proper mineral ratio between calcium, magnesium and other interactive elements.

It also looks at their relationship to spinal manipulation and alignment.

Tin - Health Effects - presents research results on the effects of the element tin on adrenal functions, depression, fatigue, and a number of other health concerns.

AHA Scientific Statements AHA Statements Alice Clegg Alternative Medicine antioxidants body building Business Opportunity Calcium California Cancer cardiovascular diseases cooking diets fitness food health health and freedom Jason Kilgore Kilgore and USANA Kilgore Defense Institute Kilgore MMA Martial Arts mens health Mexico USANA Minerals nutrition nutritional Recipes Safety Sierra Foothills Karate nutrition advice sports Sports Health Sports Nutrition Statements Stress Stress Management USANA Usana and Alice Clegg Usana and Jason Kilgore Usana and Sierra Foothills Karate USANA HEALTH SCIENCES USANA HEALTH SCIENCES DISTRIBUTOR Utah vitamins wellness Wellness Misphitz women fitness womens health
Vitamin C Requirements: Optimal Health Benefits vs Overdose

Even many of those who generally do not take Vitamin or Mineral supplements on a regular basis willstill take the odd Vitamin C tablet when feeling a cold coming on, compliments of Linus Pauling's best-seller "Vitamin C and the Common Cold," which rocketed the immune-enhancing effects of ascorbic acid to fame, and thanks to the many articles and books which since followed. While the recommended
daily or dietary allowance (RDA) stands now at 75 - 90 mg per day for adults, a higher dietary referenceintake (DRI) is again in review.

Regardless, many of those who regularly supplement Vitamin C, take inthe vicinity of 250 -1,000+mg per day, and there are those who take up to, and beyond 10,000 mg daily.

Headlines about oxidative damage (DNA mutations) attributed to taking Vitamin C in excess of 500 mg per day had many people step back and reconsider their supplemental routines. In addition, similarstudies had come to light just prior to the Vitamin C revelation about the potential problems of regularly supplementing Beta Carotene. This, however - as it turned out later - only applied to smokers who used higher doses of synthetic, but not natural sources of beta carotene, and which made the use of natural-source, mixed carotenoids the preferred choice and more popular.

Once the headlines on the possible DNA-damaging potential from taking higher doses of Vitamin C faded, most people continued where they left off and resumed their previous regimen again, especially following publications to the contrary which indicated that the original studies on Vitamin C were flawed, and that epidemiological data showed no evidence at all that higher amounts of ascorbic acid caused cancer. (see also Acu-Cell Disorders "Cancer").

However, questions on what daily amounts of Vitamin C could be considered to be an "overdose" stillcome up on a regular basis, to which unfortunately, there is no universal answer applicable to everyone, because overdosing on Vitamin C - just like overdosing on any other nutrient - is RELATIVE to the level of those elements that interact with Vitamin C. In other words, it all depends on their intake and ratio to Vitamin C.

Why do some people maintain good health without supplements?

If one analyzes people living to a ripe old age in reasonable health without the help of any supplements, one finds that they had a lot of odds in their favor. It usually starts with excellent genes, followed by alack of factors that tend to upset the biochemical balance necessary to maintain good health. Anythingupsetting that balance will either shorten someone's life, worsen its quality, or require compensationthrough extra nutritional support or drug intervention. A centenarian who never touched a supplement inhis life has likely maintained such a balance as a result of little "pro-oxidant" activity, which necessitatedlittle "antioxidant" activity -- just to mention one example.

On the other hand, let's assume a very healthy individual with similar longevity odds in his favor ends up with a serious injury early in life. The imbalance introduced to his previously sound chemistry by drugtreatments or organ damage will have him for the rest of his life search for compensatory factors toimprove the quality of life. Unlike before his injury, he is now in the same situation as those born lessfortunate health-wise, and may now have to become more reliant on better nutrition and/or additionalsupplementation. So the reason for supplementation, and the amounts needed change with individualcircumstances.

Even without previous injury, there are enough genetic variations or environmentally introduced factorsthat are responsible for some people to benefit from ingesting several grams of ascorbic acid per day,in contrast to those requiring no additional intake. The most common reason is that they likely exhibitexcessive levels of Vitamin C antagonists, or factors that inhibit Vitamin C activity. Of those, by far themost common one is copper, but there are others, such as excessive levels or intake of zinc, calcium,manganese, Vitamin E..., or very low levels of nickel, which support Vitamin C.

People with very high Copper levels rarely reach optimum levels of Vitamin C (i.e. optimal benefits),unless they take in excess of 1,000 mg / day, or unless they lower copper first through other means, and
I not only see patients supplementing Vitamin C in the 5 -10,000 mg range and just barely reach normal levels, but they start to suffer from medical symptoms as soon as they reduce that amount.

When exhibiting copper overload, or when there is a tendency to retain too much copper (which applies to a majority of the population), and if a multi-vitamin / mineral formulation is used, a brand should bechosen that is copper-free. Iron can be a problem for some people as well, but from personal clinicalexperience, iron overload is not the universal problem it has been made out to be by some sources.

In contrast, there may be those whose copper level is on the low side, and they feel a cold coming on, so they start to take a few grams of Vitamin C. Even after just a few days of doing so, copper levels may drop to a point of provoking an inflammatory response.

After I traced the first few cases of acute right-sided conjunctivitis to copper deficiency following a shortcourse of very high ascorbic acid intake by these individuals, subsequent cases were quite amused
when asked about - and confirmed - their recent Vitamin C "overdose" as soon as they walked into myoffice. Chronic conjunctivitis can occur from originally higher copper stores being more graduallydepleted as a result of continuously excessive intake of Vitamin C - or that of other copper antagonists,such as Sulfur (MSM, glucosamine sulfate).

In another chronic copper deficiency / high Vitamin C example, a young boy was brought into my office to investigate the reason why his leg bones were soft and becoming increasingly malformed. It turned out that his father was giving him 2,000 mg of Vitamin C a day, starting shortly after he was born, whichresulted in a severe, long-term copper deficiency. Reducing the Vitamin C to more reasonable levels, and recommending some copper-rich foods for the boy, normalized the problem.

Ascorbic acid lowers Zinc directly, and it lowers it indirectly by supporting iron uptake, so while higherintake of Vitamin C would likely be beneficial for those suffering from some forms of anemia, leukemia,
left-sided ovarian cysts, or from prostatitis, it could compromise benign prostatic hypertrophy, certain liver conditions (hemochromatosis), or more serious kidney disease (renal failure).

Larger amounts of Vitamin C lower Manganese levels and aid greater insulin production in thosecapable of producing insulin, which may be beneficial for Type II diabetics, but it would worsen thosewith hypoglycemic tendencies that exhibit low sodium, since sodium slows insulin response, so high intake of Vitamin C would create larger insulin spikes. (see also Acu-Cell Disorders "Hypoglycemia").

By lowering manganese, Vitamin C affects glycogen stores in the liver, decreasing the liver's ability to store larger amounts. Manganese has some control over the liver's ability to break down estrogen, so too much Vitamin C can affect the length of the menstrual cycle and worsen low estrogenic-types of PMS. On the other hand, congestive liver disease of the right large liver lobe will benefit from agreater intake of Vitamin C by reducing the symptoms of high estrogenic-types of PMS, while at thesame time reducing the risk of developing estrogen-sensitive types of cancers or (fibroid) tumors resulting from a lifelong higher mean average of estrogen.

Calcium metabolism is very much affected by Vitamin C intake. For patients who suffer from calcium overload, larger amounts of Vitamin C are an effective part of the daily regimen to keep calcium soluble
and prevent it from calcifying soft tissue. Frequently, low stomach acid levels are involved with elevated calcium as well, for which higher Vitamin C intake is also beneficial, however acidifying strategies such
as supplementing glutamic acid HCl with betaine HCl and pepsin are additionally required in most of these cases. Some patients also find pineapple juice, or apple cider vinegar helpful for their digestion
under high-calcium circumstances.

Proper amounts of Vitamin C increase bioavailability of average calcium levels, while very high intake of ascorbic acid will eventually put extra demands on calcium stores (bone) to make up calcium loss, which is also reflected in lower cellular levels of calcium. There are a lot of people whose copper and zinc levels are excessively high, so Vitamin C can be used as an ideal remedy because it is capable of lowering both, however the large amounts needed can at the same time significantly reduce calcium levels to the point of seriously accelerating bone loss. One way around that problem is using BufferedVitamin C, such as calcium ascorbate or sodium ascorbate (if kidneys can handle the extra sodium).

With low calcium, there are a number of possible symptoms such as insomnia or light / restless sleep,anxieties, leg cramps (left-sided only, unless magnesium is also low), increasing daytime fatigue, jointpains (more so left-sided), brittle nails with vertical ridges due to low calcium ratios, or increasinglyhorizontal groove-like ridges as a result of prolonged, severe deficiency, or gastrointestinal problems,
and others, depending on what else is affected in the body.

Some of my patients requiring very large doses of Vitamin C are now supplementing a small amount of Nickel, which has helped reduce Vitamin C requirements considerably, and with it the detrimentaleffects of higher dosages of ascorbic acid on the rest of the system (like lowering calcium too much), and also because of different forms of Vitamin C - such as sodium ascorbate for instance - not always being readily available in some areas.

While both - Vitamin C and Vitamin E - exhibit synergistic properties in respect to antioxidant activity, increasing the amounts of one also increases the requirements of the other, otherwise a ratio conflict
or balance problem in regard to nickel takes place, which can change vasodilating or vasoconstrictive properties of the coronary arteries. While this is generally not a big problem for the average, healthyindividual, it can be detrimental for those suffering from angina-related conditions. (see also Acu-Cell Nutrition "Nickel & Cobalt" which discusses the relationship of nickel to Vitamin C and Vitamin E).

So should one supplement or not?
The difference between healthy people who supplement Vitamin C and other basic nutrients, andhealthy ones who do not, can perhaps be compared to younger versus older people facing the same medical condition. Younger people simply tend to handle medical situations better, or recover fasterthan older ones. Supplementing may perhaps be compared to lowering someone's biological age.

The above graph illustrates what percentage of the population will enjoy optimal benefits from extra Vitamin C supplementation - not counting dietary sources of Vitamin C. These amounts are based onaverage, cellular requirements of Vitamin C, which go beyond the recommended deficiency-preventiveminimum intake (RDA / DRI). Instead, they consider the synergistic and antagonistic effect of all othernutrients that interact with Vitamin C as well, to encompass a much wider scope of disease prevention.

However even optimal requirements tend to fluctuate under specific medical circumstances and mayneed to be adjusted upwards to meet extra cellular demands (i.e. with injuries, viral / bacterial infections,
high stress situations, and other factors such as food binges [ chocolate ] resulting in copper overload).

If uncertain what one's actual requirements are, 500 mg of Vitamin C / day is universally considered to be safe and covers basic requirements, even though that amount will not be an optimal intake for agood portion of the population. In addition, it is better to use a basic multi-vitamin / mineral formulation with as many essential ingredients as possible, but not much higher than the RDA / DRI, despite the fact that this will also not provide optimal amounts of nutrients.

The reason is simply that no multi-formulation will ever provide all essential nutrients in their optimal configuration for everyone. Requirements not only vary from one person to another, but they even vary for the same person over a lifetime. In addition, the nutrients not provided will increasingly become deficient ratio-wise if a high-potency supplement is used. Unfortunately, optimal intake of Vitamin C
- or any other nutrient - can usually only be achieved by those who have the resources to measure theiractual individual requirements. "Bowel Tolerance" supplementation of Vitamin C only measures one'stolerance to the type of Vitamin C and the amounts used, but it does not reflect optimal intake.

Randomly megadosing on single nutrients (which includes Vitamin C) creates a risk of significantlyimbalancing one's system, and it makes little difference whether water-soluble vitamins like Vitamin C and B-vitamins are used or not. While excessive intake of fat-soluble vitamins as well as overdosing on a number of trace minerals can be toxic, even water-soluble nutrients can do an amazing amount of damage when regularly overdosed on during their sometimes short journey through the body.
Any time a single nutrient is supplemented at excessive amounts, one is really dealing with a much more powerful drug-like effect. And although this has a greater potential to help a medical situation, it equally has the potential of making a particular medical condition worse, or even create new ones if inappropriately used. Supplementing above-RDA / DRI amounts of Vitamin C will most certainly have a positive effect on most people's general health, however the decision to megadose on Vit C
(> 5,000 mg) - or any other nutrient - should at least be supported with some valid clinical reasons orevidence.

In most cases, it is the synergistic effect of several similar nutritional compounds that yield the best results because of their more food-like attributes, and their lesser chance of provoking side effects.
Rutin and Hesperidin are the main flavonoids / bioflavonoids - or accessory nutrients - that form an ascorbic acid or Vitamin C complex. Both function synergistically with Vitamin C in regard to
numerous health issues which are addressed further below. (see also Acu-Cell "Bioflavonoids").

Being educated about nutrition and trying to take control of one's health is highly commendable, but sometimes it certainly helps to have a medical professional check out what all that supplementation
is actually doing to one's system.
* * *
Ascorbic Acid / Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that Humans, as well as Apes and Guinea pigs must obtain from dietary sources. Most other animals produce ascorbic acid in the liver from glucose, and in much higher amounts than we get from our diets today.

Vitamin C is found mostly in fruits and vegetables, where the highest concentrations are in fresh, rawfoods, while whole grains, seeds, or beans contain very little Vitamin C, except when they are sprouted, which raises the ascorbic acid content. Similarly, animal foods contain almost no Vitamin C, although raw fish has enough to prevent deficiency symptoms.
Vitamin C is water-soluble and one of the leaststable vitamins. Cooking can destroy much of the Vitamin C content in food, and it is easily oxidized inair and sensitive to light. Being mostly contained in the watery part of fruits and vegetables, Vitamin Cis easily lost during cooking in water, so the steaming of vegetables minimizes its loss.

Ascorbic acid was isolated from lemons in 1932, following the discovery of its link to scurvy. It was first written about circa 1500 B.C. and described by Aristotle in 450 B.C. as a syndrome characterized by
lack of energy, tooth decay, gum inflammation, and bleeding problems. A high percentages of sailors with the British navy and other fleets used to die from scurvy until James Lind discovered that the juice of lemons could cure and also prevent the disease. The ships then routinely carried limes for the sailors to consume daily, and thus these sailors became known as "limeys." Only about 10 mg of Vitamin C is necessary to prevent scurvy.

Ascorbic acid is used up more rapidly with alcohol use, smoking, and under stressful conditions. Otherfactors that increase Vitamin C requirements include viral illness and fever, ASA and other medications
(sulfa antibiotics, cortisone), environmental toxins (DDT), and exposure to heavy metals such as lead,mercury, or cadmium. Vitamin C is involved in the formation and maintenance of collagen, which is the
basis of connective tissue found in capillary walls, skin, ligaments, cartilage, vertebral discs, joint linings, bones and teeth. Collagen, and thus Vitamin C, is needed for wound healing and to maintain healthy
blood vessels.

Vitamin C helps thyroid hormone production and the metabolism of folic acid, tyrosine, and tryptophan,and it stimulates adrenal function and the release of norepinephrine and epinephrine, which are stresshormones. However, prolonged stress depletes Vitamin C in the adrenals and decreases blood levels.

Ascorbic acid is further important in cellular immune functions, where it may be helpful against bacterial,viral, and fungal diseases. At higher amounts, Vitamin C may decrease the production of histamine,
thereby reducing allergy potential.

A combination of very high doses of Vitamin C + Vit E + Vit B12 has been found effective in lesseningthe symptoms of shingles (herpes zoster), provided they are all taken at the earliest onset of the attack.

Vitamin C helps the absorption of iron (particularly the vegetable, or non-heme form), so it is helpful for iron-deficiency anemia. Other conditions that benefit from ascorbic acid metabolism include diabetes (for insulin production), certain cases of male infertility, as well as arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, cataracts, glaucoma and musculoskeletal degeneration (mostly by Vitamin C keeping calcium soluble and preventing it from going to high).

When no other test methods are available, most doctors recommend the

"Bowel Tolerance Challenge"
for determining the optimal intake of Vitamin C - by ingesting increasing amounts of ascorbic acid until diarrhea sets in, then reducing Vitamin C to a tolerated dose, which - as mentioned above - only reflectssomeone's tolerance to the type of Vitamin C used, but it does not indicate actual requirements. ¤
Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) is the latest term replacing daily dietary reference values such as Adequate Intake (AI *), Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL), Estimated Average Requirements (EAR), Nutrient Reference Value (NRV), and Recommended Dietary Allowance / Intake (RDA / RDI).

Cellular / Intracellular Attributes and Interactions:
Vitamin C Synergists:Vitamin C Antagonists:

Nickel, Iron, phosphorus, germanium, selenium,Manganese, zinc, calcium, Vitamin E, tin, Vitamin A, adrenals, [cobalt, Vitamin B15], copper, [cobalt, Vitamin B12], estrogen, Low Levels / Deficiency - Symptoms and/or Risk Factors:

Scurvy, slow wound healing, anemia, easy bruising, shortness of breath, fatigue, nosebleeds, frequent infections, gastrointestinal problems, depression, chronic gingivitis, increased risk for various cancers,
impaired formation and maintenance of collagen, impaired multiple hormonal functions, dermatitis, arthritis, reduced insulin production, some types of male infertility, vascular degeneration, gallstones,

High levels / Overdose / Toxicity / Negative Side Effects - Symptoms and/or Risk Factors:

Diarrhea, abdominal cramps, high stomach acid, increased urination, insomnia, irritability, joint pains,osteoporosis, headaches, hypoglycemia, weakness, anemia, PMS, may increase infections by causing
copper deficiency, reduced estrogen, reduced progesterone, reduced prolactin,
Vitamin C Sources:
Citrus fruit, green peppers, sweet and hot peppers, potatoes, spinach, parsley, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, rose hips, black currants and other berries, tomatoes, horseradish, watercress. ¤
General recommendations for nutritional supplementation: To avoid stomach problems and promote better tolerance, supplements should always be taken earlier, or in the middle of a larger meal. When taken on an empty stomach or after a meal, there is a greater risk of some tablets causing irritation, oreventually erosion of the esophageal sphincter, resulting in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).

It is also advisable not to lie down immediately after taking any pills.
When taking a very large daily amount of a single nutrient, it is better to split it up into smaller doses to not interfere with the absorption of other nutrients in food, or nutrients supplemented at lower amounts.

AHA Scientific Statements AHA Statements Alice Clegg Alternative Medicine antioxidants body building Business Opportunity Calcium California Cancer cardiovascular diseases cooking diets fitness food health health and freedom Jason Kilgore Kilgore and USANA Kilgore Defense Institute Kilgore MMA Martial Arts mens health Mexico USANA Minerals nutrition nutritional Recipes Safety Sierra Foothills Karate nutrition advice sports Sports Health Sports Nutrition Statements Stress Stress Management USANA Usana and Alice Clegg Usana and Jason Kilgore Usana and Sierra Foothills Karate USANA HEALTH SCIENCES USANA HEALTH SCIENCES DISTRIBUTOR Utah vitamins wellness Wellness Misphitz women fitness womens health

Cellular Analysis to establish Nutritional

A Cellular Analysis to establish Nutritional

Requirements for Trace Minerals and other Nutrients
From routine annual physicals to emergency hospitalization, blood tests are viewed as important tools to help arrive at a medical diagnosis, and later to monitor the progress of various treatments prescribed.

Medical science is well aware of the many limitations, i.e. close mineral tolerances in serum test samples that are frequently maintained while patients are seemingly healthy, when they go through a medical crises, or when they are terminally ill. Unfortunately, this delays or prevents amore accurate diagnosis, or it requires other, perhaps more expensive diagnostic tools - to the detriment of the patient and the efficiency and cost of the Health Care System.

As changes in lifestyle, diet, stress, genetics, injuries or aging start to affect a person's well-being, intracellular chemistry reflects many of these changes through variations in nutritional levels, abnormal mineral ratios, or general biochemical imbalances.

Blood chemistry on the other hand - with some exceptions - remains largely unchanged and unaffected, and would give a patient a clean bill of health. Conventional medicine would now offer the patient a vast array of pharmaceutical solutions, aimed at alleviating the medical "symptoms", and any side effects that should arise from the treatments.

A more sensible approach for a patient would be to consult a nutrition-oriented practitioner that has the resources to pinpoint the actual intracellular problem areas instead, and to resolve any chemical
excesses, deficiencies, or imbalances nutritionally. If indicated, chiropractic / spinal manipulation, or (electro-) acupuncture could be another consideration. While gene therapy had promised to be aradically different approach in the treatment of genetically-driven diseases, the technology has thus far been a major disappointment, so its implementation is yet futuristic for most medical conditions.
Although intracellular measurements have a much larger test range compared to serum panels, the actual reference or "healthy" range is much narrower with Acu-Cell Analysis, even in comparisonto Red Blood Cell or White Blood Cell analysis since it establishes the most person-specific valuesby using the patient's own genetic reference. As a result, Acu-Cell Technology represents one of themost cost-efficient and accurate tools to:

• Establish optimal nutritional requirements within the tested criteria,
• Measure the cellular effects of various diets, supplements, or drugs,
• Assess the impact of disease processes on biochemical levels (and vice versa),
• Monitor an individual's nutritional status for maintenance.

The measuring technique is based on testing the evoked nerve point potential of all cell receptors that correspond to essential trace minerals. The calculated average is used to establish a reference range and mineral ratio profile. Measurements can be taken along the spine (done in veterinarian medicine), or at the extremities in human patients. The measuring current is limited to a few microamps, which is totally painless and harmless, even when testing infants or patients with pacemakers.

Each electric nerve potential tested varies with the intracellular level of the nutrient it corresponds toand changes as the matching chemical is increased or decreased through supplementation, drugs, diet, and various disease processes. Under certain circumstances - particularly when excessivelylow - serum and cellular levels of trace minerals are quite close, however by nature they represent different physiological and pathological processes, so they need to be interpreted differently.

When compared to serum levels, hair, saliva or urine analysis, Acu-Cell Analysis will always reflect a patient's mineral status more accurately, since its values are genetically referenced to that patient.

In contrast, blood tests are generally matched to 95% of the population average, although many labtests never reach that figure. Thyroid panels are one example of being well below that percentage, with actual patient symptoms being nowhere near 95% of matching serum values.

Calcium requirements are another of many other examples that cannot be established throughconventional or routine blood tests, so recommendations are also based on population averagesinstead of individual requirements. This of course can have disastrous consequences for patients who either suffer from any number of disorders that prevent normal calcium absorption, or for those
who suffer from calcium overload. Acu-Cell Analysis on the other hand wouldn't be suitable for anti-body screening, nor is it as accurate for blood sugar tests and other blood-specific measurements.

Acu-Cell Analysis measures 24 essential trace minerals, including Vitamin B12,stomach acid levels, thyroid and adrenal status, total lipids and HDL, LDL & VLDLfractions, anti-oxidant factors (rutin and hesperidin), and other values. The analysis takes about 30 minutes, and results are given to the patient at that time. ¤

AHA Scientific Statements AHA Statements Alice Clegg Alternative Medicine antioxidants body building Business Opportunity Calcium California Cancer cardiovascular diseases cooking diets fitness food health health and freedom Jason Kilgore Kilgore and USANA Kilgore Defense Institute Kilgore MMA Martial Arts mens health Mexico USANA Minerals nutrition nutritional Recipes Safety Sierra Foothills Karate nutrition advice sports Sports Health Sports Nutrition Statements Stress Stress Management USANA Usana and Alice Clegg Usana and Jason Kilgore Usana and Sierra Foothills Karate USANA HEALTH SCIENCES USANA HEALTH SCIENCES DISTRIBUTOR Utah vitamins wellness Wellness Misphitz women fitness womens health

Ladd McNamara, M.D.

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AHA Scientific Statements AHA Statements Alice Clegg Alternative Medicine antioxidants body building Business Opportunity Calcium California Cancer cardiovascular diseases cooking diets fitness food health health and freedom Jason Kilgore Kilgore and USANA Kilgore Defense Institute Kilgore MMA Martial Arts mens health Mexico USANA Minerals nutrition nutritional Recipes Safety Sierra Foothills Karate nutrition advice sports Sports Health Sports Nutrition Statements Stress Stress Management USANA Usana and Alice Clegg Usana and Jason Kilgore Usana and Sierra Foothills Karate USANA HEALTH SCIENCES USANA HEALTH SCIENCES DISTRIBUTOR Utah vitamins wellness Wellness Misphitz women fitness womens health