Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations Revision 2006
A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association Nutrition Committee Alice H. Lichtenstein, DSc, FAHA, Chair; Lawrence J. Appel, MD, FAHA, Vice-Chair; Michael Brands, PhD, FAHA; Mercedes Carnethon, PhD; Stephen Daniels, MD, PhD, FAHA; Harold A. Franch, MD, FAHA; Barry Franklin, PhD, FAHA; Penny Kris-Etherton, RD, PhD, FAHA; William S. Harris, PhD, FAHA; Barbara Howard, PhD, FAHA; Njeri Karanja, PhD; Michael Lefevre, PhD, FAHA; Lawrence Rudel, MD, PhD, FAHA; Frank Sacks, MD, FAHA; Linda Van Horn, PhD, RD, FAHA; Mary Winston, EdD; Judith Wylie-Rosett, EdD, RD
Improving diet and lifestyle is a critical component of the American Heart Association’s strategy for cardiovascular disease risk reduction in the general population. This document presents recommendations designed to meet this objective. Specific goals are to consume an overall healthy diet; aim for a healthy body weight; aim for recommended levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides; aim for normal blood pressure; aim for a normal blood glucose level; be physically active; and avoid use of and exposure to tobacco products. The recommendations are to balance caloric intake and physical activity to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight; consume a diet rich in vegetables and fruits; choose whole-grain, high-fiber foods; consume fish, especially oily fish, at least twice a week; limit intake of saturated fat to <7% of energy, trans fat to <1% of energy, and cholesterol to <300 mg/day by choosing lean meats and vegetable alternatives, fat-free (skim) or low-fat (1% fat) dairy products and minimize intake of partially hydrogenated fats; minimize intake of beverages and foods with added sugars; choose and prepare foods with little or no salt; if you consume alcohol, do so in moderation; and when you eat food prepared outside of the home, follow these Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations. By adhering to these diet and lifestyle recommendations, Americans can substantially reduce their risk of developing cardiovascular disease, which remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States.
Key Words: AHA Scientific Statements • nutrition • cardiovascular diseases
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Nutrition and Disease
Dietary Fat Subgroups, Zinc, and Vegetable Components Are Related to Urine F2a-Isoprostane Concentration, a Measure of Oxidative Stress, in Midlife Women1,2
Kristin M. Tomey3, MaryFran R. Sowers3,*, Xizhao Li3, Daniel S. McConnell3, Sybil Crawford4, Ellen B. Gold5, Bill Lasley5 and John F. Randolph, Jr6
3 Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48104; 4 Department of Medicine, University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA 01655; 5 University of California, Davis, CA 95616; and 6 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Smoking, diet, and physical activity may impact chronic diseases in part by promoting or attenuating oxidative stress. We evaluated associations between lifestyle factors and urine F2a-isoprostanes, a marker of oxidative stress in 1610 participants of the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN). Dietary intake and physical activity were assessed at baseline and the 5th year 05 (Y05).
These data were related to Y05 urinary F2a-isoprostane concentration with regression analyses. Median urine F2a-isoprostane concentration was 433 ng/L overall, 917 ng/L in smokers [inter-quartile range (IQR): 467, 1832 ng/L], and 403 ng/L in nonsmokers (IQR: 228, 709 ng/L; P < 0.0001 for difference). Higher trans fat intake was associated with higher urine F2a-isoprostane concentration; partial Spearman correlations (xy) between Y05 urine F2a-isoprostane concentration and trans fatty acids was 0.19 (P = 0.03) in smokers and 0.13 (P < 0.0001) in nonsmokers. Increased log trans fat intake from baseline to Y05 was associated with higher concentration of log urine F2a-isoprostanes in nonsmokers (ß = 0.131, SE = 0.04, P = 0.0003).
In nonsmokers, the partial correlation (xy) between lutein and urine F2a-isoprostane concentration was –0.13 (P < 0.0001). Increased intake of log lutein from baseline to Y05 was also associated with lower log urine F2a-isoprostane concentration (ß = –0.096, SE = 0.03, P = 0.0005) in nonsmokers. Increased zinc intake from baseline to Y05 was associated with lower log urine F2a-isoprostane concentration in smokers and nonsmokers (ß = –0.346, SE = 0.14, P = 0.01), and –0.117, 0.04 (P = 0.001), respectively]. In conclusion, diet (fat subtypes, zinc, and vegetable components) and smoking were associated with urine F2a-isoprostanes, a marker of oxidative stress.
Kristin M. Tomey3, MaryFran R. Sowers3,*, Xizhao Li3, Daniel S. McConnell3, Sybil Crawford4, Ellen B. Gold5, Bill Lasley5 and John F. Randolph, Jr6
3 Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48104; 4 Department of Medicine, University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA 01655; 5 University of California, Davis, CA 95616; and 6 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Smoking, diet, and physical activity may impact chronic diseases in part by promoting or attenuating oxidative stress. We evaluated associations between lifestyle factors and urine F2a-isoprostanes, a marker of oxidative stress in 1610 participants of the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN). Dietary intake and physical activity were assessed at baseline and the 5th year 05 (Y05).
These data were related to Y05 urinary F2a-isoprostane concentration with regression analyses. Median urine F2a-isoprostane concentration was 433 ng/L overall, 917 ng/L in smokers [inter-quartile range (IQR): 467, 1832 ng/L], and 403 ng/L in nonsmokers (IQR: 228, 709 ng/L; P < 0.0001 for difference). Higher trans fat intake was associated with higher urine F2a-isoprostane concentration; partial Spearman correlations (xy) between Y05 urine F2a-isoprostane concentration and trans fatty acids was 0.19 (P = 0.03) in smokers and 0.13 (P < 0.0001) in nonsmokers. Increased log trans fat intake from baseline to Y05 was associated with higher concentration of log urine F2a-isoprostanes in nonsmokers (ß = 0.131, SE = 0.04, P = 0.0003).
In nonsmokers, the partial correlation (xy) between lutein and urine F2a-isoprostane concentration was –0.13 (P < 0.0001). Increased intake of log lutein from baseline to Y05 was also associated with lower log urine F2a-isoprostane concentration (ß = –0.096, SE = 0.03, P = 0.0005) in nonsmokers. Increased zinc intake from baseline to Y05 was associated with lower log urine F2a-isoprostane concentration in smokers and nonsmokers (ß = –0.346, SE = 0.14, P = 0.01), and –0.117, 0.04 (P = 0.001), respectively]. In conclusion, diet (fat subtypes, zinc, and vegetable components) and smoking were associated with urine F2a-isoprostanes, a marker of oxidative stress.
Antioxidant Vitamin Supplements and Cardiovascular Disease
Antioxidant Vitamin Supplements and Cardiovascular Disease
Antioxidant Vitamin Supplements and Cardiovascular DiseasePenny M. Kris-Etherton, PhD, RD; Alice H. Lichtenstein, DSc; Barbara V. Howard, PhD; Daniel Steinberg, MD, PhD; Joseph L. Witztum, MD, for the Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism
Key Words: AHA Science Advisory • antioxidants • nutrition • coronary disease • cardiovascular diseases
The American Heart Association (AHA) has had a long-standing commitment to provide information about the role of nutrition in cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk reduction. Many activities have been and are currently directed toward this objective, including issuing AHA Dietary Guidelines periodically (most recently in 20001) and Science Advisories and Statements on an ongoing basis to review emerging nutrition-related issues. The objective of the AHA Dietary Guidelines is to promote healthful dietary patterns. A consistent focus since the inception of the AHA Dietary Guidelines has been to reduce saturated fat (and trans fat) and cholesterol intake, as well as to increase dietary fiber consumption. Collectively, all the AHA Dietary Guidelines have supported a dietary pattern that promotes the consumption of diets rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat or nonfat dairy products, fish, legumes, poultry, and lean meats. This dietary pattern has a low energy density to promote weight control and a high nutrient density to meet all nutrient needs.As reviewed in the first AHA Science Advisory2 on antioxidant vitamins, epidemiological and population studies reported that some micronutrients may beneficially affect CVD risk (ie, antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and ß-carotene). Recent epidemiological evidence3 is consistent with the earlier epidemiological and population studies (reviewed in the first Science Advisory).2 These findings have been supported by in vitro studies that have established a role of oxidative processes in the development of the atherosclerotic plaque. Underlying the atherosclerotic process are proatherogenic and prothrombotic oxidative events in the artery wall that may be inhibited by antioxidants.
The 1999 AHA Science Advisory2 recommended that the general population consume a balanced diet with emphasis on antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, advice that was consistent with the AHA Dietary Guidelines at the time. In the absence of data from randomized, controlled clinical trials, no recommendations were made with regard to the use of antioxidant supplements.In the past 5 years, a number of controlled clinical studies have reported the effects of antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplements on CVD risk (see Tables 1 through 3).4–21 These studies have been the subject of several recent reviews22–26 and formed the database for the present article. In general, the studies presented in the tables differ with regard to subject populations studied, type and dose of antioxidant/cocktail administered, length of study, and study end points. Overall, the studies have been conducted on post–myocardial infarction subjects or subjects at high risk for CVD, although some studied healthy subjects.In addition to dosage differences in vitamin E studies, some trials used the synthetic form, whereas others used the natural form of the vitamin. With regard to the other antioxidants, different doses were administered (eg, for ß-carotene and vitamin C).
Antioxidant cocktail formulations used also varied. Moreover, subjects were followed up for at least 1 year and for as long as 12 years. In addition, a meta-analysis of 15 studies (7 studies of vitamin E, 50 to 800 IU; 8 studies of ß-carotene, 15 to 50 mg) with 1000 or more subjects per trial has been conducted to ascertain the effects of antioxidant vitamins on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.27 Collectively, for the most part, clinical trials have failed to demonstrate a beneficial effect of antioxidant supplements on CVD morbidity and mortality. With regard to the meta-analysis, the lack of efficacy was demonstrated consistently for different doses of various antioxidants in diverse population groups.Although the preponderance of clinical trial evidence has not shown beneficial effects of antioxidant supplements, evidence from some smaller studies documents a benefit of -tocopherol (Cambridge Heart AntiOxidant Study,13 Secondary Prevention with Antioxidants of Cardiovascular disease in End-stage renal disease study),15 -tocopherol and slow-release vitamin C (Antioxidant Supplementation in Atherosclerosis Prevention study),16 and vitamin C plus vitamin E (Intravascular Ultrasonography Study)17 on cardiovascular end points. To complicate matters, there is some evidence of potentially adverse effects of antioxidant supplements on CVD as assessed by angiographic end points. In the Women’s Angiographic Vitamin and Estrogen Study,21 postmenopausal women with coronary disease on hormone replacement therapy given vitamin E plus vitamin C had an unexpected significantly higher all-cause mortality rate and a trend for an increased cardiovascular mortality rate compared with the vitamin placebo women. Likewise, in the HDL-Atherosclerosis Treatment Study,20 subjects with angiographically demonstrated coronary artery disease on simvastatin/niacin and an antioxidant cocktail (vitamin E, ß-carotene, vitamin C, and selenium) had a 0.7% progression in stenosis after 3 years, compared with 0.4% regression in the group on only simvastatin/niacin. Thus, antioxidant supplements may have interfered with the efficacy of statin-plus-niacin therapy.
Further evaluation showed that the addition of the antioxidant vitamins blunted the expected rise in the protective HDL-2 cholesterol and apolipoprotein A1 subfractions of HDL. In general, the studies showing either positive or adverse effects (especially for vitamins E, vitamins E and C, and the antioxidant cocktails) are much smaller studies than the larger clinical trials that consistently have not shown any beneficial effects of antioxidant supplements on several CVD end points.Thus, in agreement with many in the field, we conclude that the existing scientific database does not justify routine use of antioxidant supplements for the prevention and treatment of CVD.25–28,29
This conclusion is consistent with the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association 2002 Guideline Update for the management of patients with chronic stable angina, which states that there is no basis for recommending that patients take vitamin C or E supplements or other antioxidants for the express purpose of preventing or treating coronary artery disease (Class III, Level A Evidence).30 In addition, "Evidence-Based Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Women"31 concludes that antioxidant vitamin supplements should not be used to prevent CVD, pending the results of ongoing trials (Class III, Level A Evidence).
Whether or not to use vitamin E in highly specialized situations, such as in subjects on hemodialysis,15 also remains unsettled until further studies in this setting are conducted. Moreover, although there is some evidence of beneficial effects of antioxidant supplements, it also is apparent that some studies suggest adverse effects of antioxidant supplement use. An important question is: What should we be doing in clinical practice? At this time, there is little reason to advise that individuals take antioxidant supplements to reduce risk of CVD.
Nonetheless, we recommend that antioxidant research continue in order to resolve whether the oxidative modification hypothesis is relevant to human atherosclerosis. It will be important to clarify the discrepancy between the randomized clinical trials and the population studies. The positive findings from observational studies with regard to vitamin E supplementation and lower rates of CVD may be a reflection of the generally healthy lifestyles and dietary intakes of supplement users.
At this time, the scientific evidence supports recommending consumption of a diet high in food sources of antioxidants and other cardioprotective nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts, instead of antioxidant supplements to reduce risk of CVD.32,33 It does not support the use of antioxidant vitamin supplements.The failure of these particular trials does not necessarily rule out a role for oxidative mechanisms in the pathogenesis of human atherosclerosis. Antioxidant compounds cannot be indiscriminately lumped together; they differ quantitatively and even qualitatively from one another. We still know too little about the oxidative mechanisms in vivo and lack biochemical markers with which to evaluate candidate antioxidant compounds.
Moreover, antioxidant treatment may need to begin earlier in life to be effective. The discrepancy between the impressive observational data and the clinical trials could reflect the difference between lifelong exposure to an antioxidant-rich diet and a limited, 5-year exposure to antioxidant supplements. However, several other factors (such as identity, type, and form of antioxidant; particular antioxidant combinations; trial design issues; outcome measures; length; populations under study; etc) could also be important in explaining the lack of agreement between the predicted positive benefits and the results of the clinical trials conducted to date. Clearly, further research is needed.
Antioxidant Vitamin Supplements and Cardiovascular DiseasePenny M. Kris-Etherton, PhD, RD; Alice H. Lichtenstein, DSc; Barbara V. Howard, PhD; Daniel Steinberg, MD, PhD; Joseph L. Witztum, MD, for the Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism
Key Words: AHA Science Advisory • antioxidants • nutrition • coronary disease • cardiovascular diseases
The American Heart Association (AHA) has had a long-standing commitment to provide information about the role of nutrition in cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk reduction. Many activities have been and are currently directed toward this objective, including issuing AHA Dietary Guidelines periodically (most recently in 20001) and Science Advisories and Statements on an ongoing basis to review emerging nutrition-related issues. The objective of the AHA Dietary Guidelines is to promote healthful dietary patterns. A consistent focus since the inception of the AHA Dietary Guidelines has been to reduce saturated fat (and trans fat) and cholesterol intake, as well as to increase dietary fiber consumption. Collectively, all the AHA Dietary Guidelines have supported a dietary pattern that promotes the consumption of diets rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat or nonfat dairy products, fish, legumes, poultry, and lean meats. This dietary pattern has a low energy density to promote weight control and a high nutrient density to meet all nutrient needs.As reviewed in the first AHA Science Advisory2 on antioxidant vitamins, epidemiological and population studies reported that some micronutrients may beneficially affect CVD risk (ie, antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and ß-carotene). Recent epidemiological evidence3 is consistent with the earlier epidemiological and population studies (reviewed in the first Science Advisory).2 These findings have been supported by in vitro studies that have established a role of oxidative processes in the development of the atherosclerotic plaque. Underlying the atherosclerotic process are proatherogenic and prothrombotic oxidative events in the artery wall that may be inhibited by antioxidants.
The 1999 AHA Science Advisory2 recommended that the general population consume a balanced diet with emphasis on antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, advice that was consistent with the AHA Dietary Guidelines at the time. In the absence of data from randomized, controlled clinical trials, no recommendations were made with regard to the use of antioxidant supplements.In the past 5 years, a number of controlled clinical studies have reported the effects of antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplements on CVD risk (see Tables 1 through 3).4–21 These studies have been the subject of several recent reviews22–26 and formed the database for the present article. In general, the studies presented in the tables differ with regard to subject populations studied, type and dose of antioxidant/cocktail administered, length of study, and study end points. Overall, the studies have been conducted on post–myocardial infarction subjects or subjects at high risk for CVD, although some studied healthy subjects.In addition to dosage differences in vitamin E studies, some trials used the synthetic form, whereas others used the natural form of the vitamin. With regard to the other antioxidants, different doses were administered (eg, for ß-carotene and vitamin C).
Antioxidant cocktail formulations used also varied. Moreover, subjects were followed up for at least 1 year and for as long as 12 years. In addition, a meta-analysis of 15 studies (7 studies of vitamin E, 50 to 800 IU; 8 studies of ß-carotene, 15 to 50 mg) with 1000 or more subjects per trial has been conducted to ascertain the effects of antioxidant vitamins on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.27 Collectively, for the most part, clinical trials have failed to demonstrate a beneficial effect of antioxidant supplements on CVD morbidity and mortality. With regard to the meta-analysis, the lack of efficacy was demonstrated consistently for different doses of various antioxidants in diverse population groups.Although the preponderance of clinical trial evidence has not shown beneficial effects of antioxidant supplements, evidence from some smaller studies documents a benefit of -tocopherol (Cambridge Heart AntiOxidant Study,13 Secondary Prevention with Antioxidants of Cardiovascular disease in End-stage renal disease study),15 -tocopherol and slow-release vitamin C (Antioxidant Supplementation in Atherosclerosis Prevention study),16 and vitamin C plus vitamin E (Intravascular Ultrasonography Study)17 on cardiovascular end points. To complicate matters, there is some evidence of potentially adverse effects of antioxidant supplements on CVD as assessed by angiographic end points. In the Women’s Angiographic Vitamin and Estrogen Study,21 postmenopausal women with coronary disease on hormone replacement therapy given vitamin E plus vitamin C had an unexpected significantly higher all-cause mortality rate and a trend for an increased cardiovascular mortality rate compared with the vitamin placebo women. Likewise, in the HDL-Atherosclerosis Treatment Study,20 subjects with angiographically demonstrated coronary artery disease on simvastatin/niacin and an antioxidant cocktail (vitamin E, ß-carotene, vitamin C, and selenium) had a 0.7% progression in stenosis after 3 years, compared with 0.4% regression in the group on only simvastatin/niacin. Thus, antioxidant supplements may have interfered with the efficacy of statin-plus-niacin therapy.
Further evaluation showed that the addition of the antioxidant vitamins blunted the expected rise in the protective HDL-2 cholesterol and apolipoprotein A1 subfractions of HDL. In general, the studies showing either positive or adverse effects (especially for vitamins E, vitamins E and C, and the antioxidant cocktails) are much smaller studies than the larger clinical trials that consistently have not shown any beneficial effects of antioxidant supplements on several CVD end points.Thus, in agreement with many in the field, we conclude that the existing scientific database does not justify routine use of antioxidant supplements for the prevention and treatment of CVD.25–28,29
This conclusion is consistent with the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association 2002 Guideline Update for the management of patients with chronic stable angina, which states that there is no basis for recommending that patients take vitamin C or E supplements or other antioxidants for the express purpose of preventing or treating coronary artery disease (Class III, Level A Evidence).30 In addition, "Evidence-Based Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Women"31 concludes that antioxidant vitamin supplements should not be used to prevent CVD, pending the results of ongoing trials (Class III, Level A Evidence).
Whether or not to use vitamin E in highly specialized situations, such as in subjects on hemodialysis,15 also remains unsettled until further studies in this setting are conducted. Moreover, although there is some evidence of beneficial effects of antioxidant supplements, it also is apparent that some studies suggest adverse effects of antioxidant supplement use. An important question is: What should we be doing in clinical practice? At this time, there is little reason to advise that individuals take antioxidant supplements to reduce risk of CVD.
Nonetheless, we recommend that antioxidant research continue in order to resolve whether the oxidative modification hypothesis is relevant to human atherosclerosis. It will be important to clarify the discrepancy between the randomized clinical trials and the population studies. The positive findings from observational studies with regard to vitamin E supplementation and lower rates of CVD may be a reflection of the generally healthy lifestyles and dietary intakes of supplement users.
At this time, the scientific evidence supports recommending consumption of a diet high in food sources of antioxidants and other cardioprotective nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts, instead of antioxidant supplements to reduce risk of CVD.32,33 It does not support the use of antioxidant vitamin supplements.The failure of these particular trials does not necessarily rule out a role for oxidative mechanisms in the pathogenesis of human atherosclerosis. Antioxidant compounds cannot be indiscriminately lumped together; they differ quantitatively and even qualitatively from one another. We still know too little about the oxidative mechanisms in vivo and lack biochemical markers with which to evaluate candidate antioxidant compounds.
Moreover, antioxidant treatment may need to begin earlier in life to be effective. The discrepancy between the impressive observational data and the clinical trials could reflect the difference between lifelong exposure to an antioxidant-rich diet and a limited, 5-year exposure to antioxidant supplements. However, several other factors (such as identity, type, and form of antioxidant; particular antioxidant combinations; trial design issues; outcome measures; length; populations under study; etc) could also be important in explaining the lack of agreement between the predicted positive benefits and the results of the clinical trials conducted to date. Clearly, further research is needed.
Alternative Medicine,
Jason Kilgore,
Mexico USANA,
womens health
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Widespread Vitamin D Deficiency Drains Billions of Dollars from Canadian Health Care System
The Vitamin D society, a Canadian non-profit group organized to increase awareness of the many health conditions strongly linked to vitamin D, has calculated the cost of vitamin D deficiency on the Canadian health care system to be no less than $9 billion dollars annually.
Vitamin D has long been known only for its role in bone health and proper calcium absorption. However, the explosion of research over the past few years has revealed that vitamin D plays a key role in cell growth regulation in the body, and may be related to the prevention of 22 forms of cancer as well as heart disease, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, and many other disorders.Due to what is being considered a Canadian crisis and worldwide problem, the Vitamin D Society is recognizing the month of November as Vitamin D Awareness Month. For the complete story and more information about the society and vitamin D research,
go to the following link:
Vitamin D has long been known only for its role in bone health and proper calcium absorption. However, the explosion of research over the past few years has revealed that vitamin D plays a key role in cell growth regulation in the body, and may be related to the prevention of 22 forms of cancer as well as heart disease, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, and many other disorders.Due to what is being considered a Canadian crisis and worldwide problem, the Vitamin D Society is recognizing the month of November as Vitamin D Awareness Month. For the complete story and more information about the society and vitamin D research,
go to the following link:
Alternative Medicine,
women fitness
Folks... Understand this... Success doesn't reward you for what you're going to someday do... It rewards you for what you do NOW... So stop contemplating, evaluating, hesitating, being lazy, meditating, and deliberating... Pay attention to the words that are coming out of my mind...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Reading the Label on Your Bottle of Vitamins May Be the Smartest Thing You Do Today
Why Reading the Label on Your Bottle of Vitamin E May Be the Smartest Thing You Do Today
Vitamin E is known to promote heart, respiratory, brain, prostate and breast health.* And yet, almost all vitamin E supplements today are synthetic forms that may cause more harm than good. So, if the label on your bottle of vitamin E doesn’t have the words, “independently assayed to guarantee 100% natural-source high-potency vitamin E” … I recommend you switch to USANA.
You’ll be glad you did.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Vitamin E is one of the most popular supplements, and for good reason -- it is an amazing supplement.
I have been so convinced of the importance of vitamin E that I've been taking it for over 30 years. Vitamin E is an indispensable member of the body's antioxidant system.
* But that's not all. Vitamin E has other functions, some completely unrelated to its role as an antioxidant. In addition to its powerful antioxidant properties,* vitamin E: Promotes heart health.
* Promotes respiratory health.
* Helps with normal PMS symptoms.
* Supports circulation.
* Supports prostate and breast health.
* Is good for your brain.
* May help hot flashes in menopausal women.
* Discovered in 1922, it is only in the last decade that the public began to be educated about the critical fact that vitamin E is not a single compound, but a general name for a whole family of compounds. Eight forms of vitamin E have been identified as existing in nature. While all forms of vitamin E are active antioxidants inside our bodies,
* these isomers belong either to a sub-family of four tocopherols (alpha, beta, gamma and delta) or a sub-family of four tocotrienols (alpha, beta, gamma and delta). The major difference between the tocotrienols and the tocopherols is that the tail is saturated in the case of the tocopherols, but is polyunsaturated in the case of the tocotrienols. As with the fatty acids, a polyunsaturated structure means that the molecule is more reactive and more fluid. This means, for example, that alpha tocotrienol would be much more protective of cell membranes than alpha tocopherol. Research is beginning to focus on specific tocopherols and tocotrienols, rather than on just "vitamin E," and studies are emerging that suggest tocotrienols, found in palm, rice bran and barley oils, could be the most important part of vitamin E. And a form of vitamin E called full-spectrum vitamin E, which contains a mixture of tocopherols and tocotrienols may be needed to promote health and provide maximum benefits.
* I believe that, ideally, vitamin E should be consumed in the broader family of mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols -- and that's why I am now recommending a phenomenal mixed form of vitamin E from USANA called USANA HEALTH PAK (Blend of Vitamins/Minerals). USANA HEALTH PAK (Blend of Vitamins/Minerals) is an exclusive blend of all 8 forms (full spectrum) of natural source tocopherols and tocotrienols providing the antioxidant benefits of the entire family of vitamin E.
* USANA HEALTH PAK (Blend of Vitamins/Minerals) provides 400 IU of vitamin E as d-alpha tocopherol, with the benefits of beta, delta, and substantial gamma tocopherols -- plus their 4 corresponding tocotrienols. Getting to know all the compounds in the vitamin E family of tocopherols and tocotrienols is necessary to choose the right vitamin E product and get the full benefits of this superior antioxidant and nutrient.
* Important Facts You Should Know About Vitamin E Vitamin E is essential to life -- we cannot live without it. How much vitamin E is enough? Prominent researchers believe that to perform at its best, the body needs more than the US Daily Value (DV) of 30 IU vitamin E daily and the average American diet supplies considerably less than this amount. According to renowned international researcher Dr. Evan Shute, a physician recognized for his over 30 years of work with vitamin E, average healthy females should have 400 IU a day, and average healthy males 600 IU a day. Vitamin E should be taken at mealtime -- it is absorbed better when taken with meals rather than an on an empty stomach. Inorganic Iron can DESTROY vitamin E. According to the Shute Institute, the two should be separated in the stomach by an 8-9 hour interval. However, organic iron, found in spinach, and other iron rich foods can be taken at the same time as vitamin E. Some vitamin E labels are misleading to the consumer.
Some marketed vitamin E products labeled "natural" have been tested and found to contain either all synthetic vitamin E or only part natural vitamin E. You should choose labels that print the following: Independently Assayed to Guarantee 100% Natural-Source High-Potency Vitamin E. Natural & Synthetic Vitamin E: Your Body Knows the Difference!
Natural vitamin E is the single molecular configuration that occurs in nature. Synthetic vitamin E is a mixture of 8 molecular configurations, 7 of which occur when made by man. The vitamin E most often referred to and sold in stores is a synthetic form of vitamin E called dl-alpha-tocopherol -- but I do not recommend this type of vitamin E. Dr. Graham Burton, associated with the National Research Council of Canada, studied the body's response to natural vitamin E compared to synthetic vitamin E.
The study strongly indicates your body prefers natural vitamin E, showing that it is retained in your body many times longer than the synthetic vitamin E, with specific results showing:
5.3 times more natural vitamin E in the brain. .
6 times more natural vitamin E in red blood cells.
2.6 times more natural vitamin E in the lungs.
2.4 times more natural vitamin E in the plasma
1.9 times more natural vitamin E in the heart
1.7 times more natural vitamin E in the muscles.
Why does your body prefer natural vitamin E? Research scientist Maret Traber's work indicates that the liver preferentially recycles the natural form of vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol), causing the excretion of synthetic forms of other tocopherols. Some researchers have questioned whether special configurations of tocopherol found only in synthetic vitamin E are actually a hindrance to the body because they tie up receptor sites, stopping the naturally occurring form of vitamin E from acting. This is like someone putting the wrong key into a lock. The right key cannot open the lock if the wrong key is in it.
Alpha Tocopherol: Vitamin E's Team Captain By far the most popular form, alpha tocopherol has become synonymous with vitamin E. This specific tocopherol has incredible antioxidant benefits
* and has, in the past, shifted much of the research away from the other seven forms of vitamin E. Alpha tocopherol became synonymous with vitamin E for two main reasons: it is the most abundant of the eight in our body, and because it is by far the most effective of the eight for what we once thought was its main function -- to support reproduction.
* The differences of the eight members of the vitamin E family are a really big deal. Some of the eight members of the vitamin E family share similar functions and others have functions that are completely different. Also, where they go in our body is different especially for alpha tocopherol versus the others. This is because our body has a mechanism to tell alpha tocopherol from the others. The groups work better as a team than the alpha tocopherol does alone. Gamma Tocopherol: Another of Vitamin E's Health Promoters
Our food contains all eight compounds of vitamin E, but gamma tocopherol is actually the most commonly occurring natural form of vitamin E in the American diet. Gamma tocopherol in particular also has the ability to protect against nitrogen-based free radicals, which alpha tocopherol cannot do.
* Nitrogen free radicals play an important role in aging, keeping you from your optimal health. Gamma tocopherol is one of the mixed tocopherols you won't find in most supplements, but you will find a significant amount of it in USANA HEALTH PAK (Blend of Vitamins/Minerals). Four years ago there was a groundbreaking study that showed gamma tocopherol supports prostate health.
* This is the first study that showed that gamma tocopherol keeps normal cells complete.
* The typical vitamin E supplement only contains alpha tocopherol, which currently does not appear to have any of these immune system-supporting properties.
* The latest research places special emphasis on the newly discovered benefits of gamma tocopherol. Since taking large doses of alpha tocopherol depletes plasma levels of gamma tocopherol, the health-conscious consumer who takes only alpha tocopherol supplements needs to seriously reconsider this practice. One study found that women who consumed most vitamin E from food sources experienced support in breast health, compared to women with the lowest consumption.* Since gamma tocopherol is most predominant in food sources, when total vitamin E intake was considered, including supplements (presumably supplying solely alpha tocopherol), the effect on breast health was not as great.
* A thorough review of findings about gamma tocopherol has appeared in an issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. After reviewing scores of studies, the authors conclude that it is high time to abandon the outdated view that only alpha tocopherol is important, and to conduct more research on gamma tocopherol. Its important to note that supplementation with alpha tocopherol is not harmful. There are many studies confirming the health benefits of alpha tocopherol.
* But, there is also strong reason to believe that taking high doses of alpha tocopherol without balancing it with adequate gamma tocopherol (and possibly other tocopherols and tocotrienols) is less than optimal.
Promising news suggests that gamma tocopherol also supports a healthy immune response.*
The authors of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found that both gamma tocopherol and its water-soluble metabolite support a healthy immune response, but alpha tocopherol did not have the same effect at the same concentrations.* Gamma tocopherol may also help support colon health.*
And there is more to consider -- because the way that the human body eliminates excess gamma tocopherol is by using the biliary route. In bile, the ratio of gamma tocopherol to alpha tocopherol is several times higher than the plasma ratio. This suggests that excess gamma tocopherol secreted into feces during supplementation may play a role in promoting colon health.
* Another way which gamma tocopherol helps promote immune system health may be its ability to inhibit protein kinase C activity.
* Both alpha tocopherol and delta tocopherol also share this same ability.
* Plasma levels of gamma tocopherol decline with age, but not alpha tocopherol levels.
The authors of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition review also point out that regular consumption of nuts, an excellent source of gamma tocopherol, has been associated with heart health and cardiovascular health.
* Gamma tocopherol is abundant in nuts such as walnuts and pecans, and in the legume peanuts. Since in addition to gamma tocopherol nuts provide short-chain omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, fiber and other nutrients, this is one healthy way to increase your gamma tocopherol. Plus, most health food stores now offer walnuts and pecans in bulk at very affordable prices. Corn oil, soybean oil and sesame oil are all rich sources of gamma tocopherol. But, when it comes to commercially available seed oils, the problem is toxic trans-fatty acids and excess omega-6 fatty acids. Both trans-fatty acids and excess omega-6 fatty acids have been found to promote various types of degenerative disorders. Therefore, I do not recommend these oils as a source of gamma tocopherol. To further explore the benefits of this powerful antioxidant,* we will require more human studies using gamma tocopherol supplementation. We still know little about gamma tocopherol's probable synergy with other antioxidants.
* However, what has become clear is that gamma tocopherol is now beginning to get the attention it deserves. Why Tocotrienol Supplementation Can Be Key to Your Health
* Anyone looking for an effective antioxidant should consider taking tocotrienols.
* Most vitamin E supplements contain only alpha-tocopherol whereas palm based tocotrienols contain tocotrienols, phytosterols (proven to promote cholesterol health*), squalene (a powerful antioxidant*) and carotenoids. Recent research suggests that a combination of all these phytonutrients may be highly effective in the overall maintenance of health.
* While vitamin E is generally regarded as the most important fat-soluble antioxidant, alpha tocotrienol has been shown to be 40 to 60 times more effective than alpha tocopherol in thwarting oxidative deterioration of lipids.
* Even more effective, delta tocotrienol is by far the most powerful antioxidant of the entire vitamin E family.
* The immune system-supporting effects of tocotrienols have garnered a lot of attention.
* One of the innate promoters of immune system health is a process known as "apoptosis."
* Apoptosis is an encoded suicide program designed to protect cells.
* Tocotrienols effectively promote apoptosis with delta-tocotrienol being twice as effective as gamma tocotrienol.
* Strong health promoters like delta tocotrienol are very hard to come by in a supplement.* USANA HEALTH PAK (Blend of Vitamins/Minerals) is one of the very few supplements available today that provide all of the natural source tocotrienols. Delta tocotrienol has been shown to be the most active of the tocotrienols, and is considered to be the: Most powerful antioxidant of the vitamin E family.* Most effective tocotrienol to activate immune system-supporting effects.* More effective at accumulating in cells compared to other tocotrienols.* Most effective member of the vitamin E for reducing endothelial expression of adhesion molecules.* Most effective tocotrienol in inducing apoptosis.* Delta-tocotrienol was twice as effective as gamma-tocotrienol.* Much more effective compound for inhibiting the excessive aggregation of blood platelets than vitamin E or other tocotrienols.* Most oils and food contain tocopherols but virtually no tocotrienols. Tocotrienols only occur at very low levels in nature with the highest concentration found in palm oil. Other sources are rice bran, barley, wheat germ, saw palmetto and certain types of nuts and grains. Due to their low level, it is practically impossible to attain the amount of tocotrienols studies suggest may have a beneficial effect,* from diet alone. Supplementation is key. Because the level of tocotrienols is at such a low level in nature, it takes a huge amount of the raw material to extract out 1kg of tocotrienols. This means you'll pay more for the benefits of tocotrienols. For every 1000kg of soy fatty acid distillate, one can extract out about 70kg of the tocopherols. In comparison, every 1000kg of palm oil, one can only theoretically extract out only 0.5kg of tocotrienols. In addition, the process to extract tocotrienols by molecular distillation is an expensive process compared to the conventional distillation processes. Tocotrienols are extremely safe and no side effects have been reported. 5 However,given the effects on platelet aggregation,* you should not take this product if you are going in for surgery, or taking the blood thinning drug Coumadin (warfarin) or anti-platelet drugs like Ticlid (ticlopidine). Tocotrienols are being heralded as "the vitamin E of the 21st century." Many research scientists and nutritionists, backed by extensive published research papers, agree that tocotrienols are a natural, stronger vitamin E and have many additional biological benefits over the normal tocopherols.* Some researchers have gone so far as to recommend that instead of focusing on tocopherols, people should start taking tocotrienols as the better vitamin E. Understanding the Importance of Team Work Tocopherols and tocotrienols work best as a team. In the test tube, gamma-tocopherol is destroyed by oxidants before any alpha-tocopherol is destroyed. This indicates that gamma-tocopherol actually helps the body conserve alpha-tocopherol.* And, a mixture of tocopherols and tocotrienols provides longer protection of the skin than alpha-tocopherol alone.* And the same team can fight a wider spectrum of free radicals than alpha-tocopherol alone.* We still do not have all the answers yet as to the exact role of each of the eight members of the vitamin E family, but we do know that vitamin E is much more than alpha-tocopherol alone. The non-alpha tocopherols and the four tocotrienols have other unique and very useful functions.* That's why amount as IU tells only part of the story. Want to know more:
Vitamin E is known to promote heart, respiratory, brain, prostate and breast health.* And yet, almost all vitamin E supplements today are synthetic forms that may cause more harm than good. So, if the label on your bottle of vitamin E doesn’t have the words, “independently assayed to guarantee 100% natural-source high-potency vitamin E” … I recommend you switch to USANA.
You’ll be glad you did.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Vitamin E is one of the most popular supplements, and for good reason -- it is an amazing supplement.
I have been so convinced of the importance of vitamin E that I've been taking it for over 30 years. Vitamin E is an indispensable member of the body's antioxidant system.
* But that's not all. Vitamin E has other functions, some completely unrelated to its role as an antioxidant. In addition to its powerful antioxidant properties,* vitamin E: Promotes heart health.
* Promotes respiratory health.
* Helps with normal PMS symptoms.
* Supports circulation.
* Supports prostate and breast health.
* Is good for your brain.
* May help hot flashes in menopausal women.
* Discovered in 1922, it is only in the last decade that the public began to be educated about the critical fact that vitamin E is not a single compound, but a general name for a whole family of compounds. Eight forms of vitamin E have been identified as existing in nature. While all forms of vitamin E are active antioxidants inside our bodies,
* these isomers belong either to a sub-family of four tocopherols (alpha, beta, gamma and delta) or a sub-family of four tocotrienols (alpha, beta, gamma and delta). The major difference between the tocotrienols and the tocopherols is that the tail is saturated in the case of the tocopherols, but is polyunsaturated in the case of the tocotrienols. As with the fatty acids, a polyunsaturated structure means that the molecule is more reactive and more fluid. This means, for example, that alpha tocotrienol would be much more protective of cell membranes than alpha tocopherol. Research is beginning to focus on specific tocopherols and tocotrienols, rather than on just "vitamin E," and studies are emerging that suggest tocotrienols, found in palm, rice bran and barley oils, could be the most important part of vitamin E. And a form of vitamin E called full-spectrum vitamin E, which contains a mixture of tocopherols and tocotrienols may be needed to promote health and provide maximum benefits.
* I believe that, ideally, vitamin E should be consumed in the broader family of mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols -- and that's why I am now recommending a phenomenal mixed form of vitamin E from USANA called USANA HEALTH PAK (Blend of Vitamins/Minerals). USANA HEALTH PAK (Blend of Vitamins/Minerals) is an exclusive blend of all 8 forms (full spectrum) of natural source tocopherols and tocotrienols providing the antioxidant benefits of the entire family of vitamin E.
* USANA HEALTH PAK (Blend of Vitamins/Minerals) provides 400 IU of vitamin E as d-alpha tocopherol, with the benefits of beta, delta, and substantial gamma tocopherols -- plus their 4 corresponding tocotrienols. Getting to know all the compounds in the vitamin E family of tocopherols and tocotrienols is necessary to choose the right vitamin E product and get the full benefits of this superior antioxidant and nutrient.
* Important Facts You Should Know About Vitamin E Vitamin E is essential to life -- we cannot live without it. How much vitamin E is enough? Prominent researchers believe that to perform at its best, the body needs more than the US Daily Value (DV) of 30 IU vitamin E daily and the average American diet supplies considerably less than this amount. According to renowned international researcher Dr. Evan Shute, a physician recognized for his over 30 years of work with vitamin E, average healthy females should have 400 IU a day, and average healthy males 600 IU a day. Vitamin E should be taken at mealtime -- it is absorbed better when taken with meals rather than an on an empty stomach. Inorganic Iron can DESTROY vitamin E. According to the Shute Institute, the two should be separated in the stomach by an 8-9 hour interval. However, organic iron, found in spinach, and other iron rich foods can be taken at the same time as vitamin E. Some vitamin E labels are misleading to the consumer.
Some marketed vitamin E products labeled "natural" have been tested and found to contain either all synthetic vitamin E or only part natural vitamin E. You should choose labels that print the following: Independently Assayed to Guarantee 100% Natural-Source High-Potency Vitamin E. Natural & Synthetic Vitamin E: Your Body Knows the Difference!
Natural vitamin E is the single molecular configuration that occurs in nature. Synthetic vitamin E is a mixture of 8 molecular configurations, 7 of which occur when made by man. The vitamin E most often referred to and sold in stores is a synthetic form of vitamin E called dl-alpha-tocopherol -- but I do not recommend this type of vitamin E. Dr. Graham Burton, associated with the National Research Council of Canada, studied the body's response to natural vitamin E compared to synthetic vitamin E.
The study strongly indicates your body prefers natural vitamin E, showing that it is retained in your body many times longer than the synthetic vitamin E, with specific results showing:
5.3 times more natural vitamin E in the brain. .
6 times more natural vitamin E in red blood cells.
2.6 times more natural vitamin E in the lungs.
2.4 times more natural vitamin E in the plasma
1.9 times more natural vitamin E in the heart
1.7 times more natural vitamin E in the muscles.
Why does your body prefer natural vitamin E? Research scientist Maret Traber's work indicates that the liver preferentially recycles the natural form of vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol), causing the excretion of synthetic forms of other tocopherols. Some researchers have questioned whether special configurations of tocopherol found only in synthetic vitamin E are actually a hindrance to the body because they tie up receptor sites, stopping the naturally occurring form of vitamin E from acting. This is like someone putting the wrong key into a lock. The right key cannot open the lock if the wrong key is in it.
Alpha Tocopherol: Vitamin E's Team Captain By far the most popular form, alpha tocopherol has become synonymous with vitamin E. This specific tocopherol has incredible antioxidant benefits
* and has, in the past, shifted much of the research away from the other seven forms of vitamin E. Alpha tocopherol became synonymous with vitamin E for two main reasons: it is the most abundant of the eight in our body, and because it is by far the most effective of the eight for what we once thought was its main function -- to support reproduction.
* The differences of the eight members of the vitamin E family are a really big deal. Some of the eight members of the vitamin E family share similar functions and others have functions that are completely different. Also, where they go in our body is different especially for alpha tocopherol versus the others. This is because our body has a mechanism to tell alpha tocopherol from the others. The groups work better as a team than the alpha tocopherol does alone. Gamma Tocopherol: Another of Vitamin E's Health Promoters
Our food contains all eight compounds of vitamin E, but gamma tocopherol is actually the most commonly occurring natural form of vitamin E in the American diet. Gamma tocopherol in particular also has the ability to protect against nitrogen-based free radicals, which alpha tocopherol cannot do.
* Nitrogen free radicals play an important role in aging, keeping you from your optimal health. Gamma tocopherol is one of the mixed tocopherols you won't find in most supplements, but you will find a significant amount of it in USANA HEALTH PAK (Blend of Vitamins/Minerals). Four years ago there was a groundbreaking study that showed gamma tocopherol supports prostate health.
* This is the first study that showed that gamma tocopherol keeps normal cells complete.
* The typical vitamin E supplement only contains alpha tocopherol, which currently does not appear to have any of these immune system-supporting properties.
* The latest research places special emphasis on the newly discovered benefits of gamma tocopherol. Since taking large doses of alpha tocopherol depletes plasma levels of gamma tocopherol, the health-conscious consumer who takes only alpha tocopherol supplements needs to seriously reconsider this practice. One study found that women who consumed most vitamin E from food sources experienced support in breast health, compared to women with the lowest consumption.* Since gamma tocopherol is most predominant in food sources, when total vitamin E intake was considered, including supplements (presumably supplying solely alpha tocopherol), the effect on breast health was not as great.
* A thorough review of findings about gamma tocopherol has appeared in an issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. After reviewing scores of studies, the authors conclude that it is high time to abandon the outdated view that only alpha tocopherol is important, and to conduct more research on gamma tocopherol. Its important to note that supplementation with alpha tocopherol is not harmful. There are many studies confirming the health benefits of alpha tocopherol.
* But, there is also strong reason to believe that taking high doses of alpha tocopherol without balancing it with adequate gamma tocopherol (and possibly other tocopherols and tocotrienols) is less than optimal.
Promising news suggests that gamma tocopherol also supports a healthy immune response.*
The authors of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found that both gamma tocopherol and its water-soluble metabolite support a healthy immune response, but alpha tocopherol did not have the same effect at the same concentrations.* Gamma tocopherol may also help support colon health.*
And there is more to consider -- because the way that the human body eliminates excess gamma tocopherol is by using the biliary route. In bile, the ratio of gamma tocopherol to alpha tocopherol is several times higher than the plasma ratio. This suggests that excess gamma tocopherol secreted into feces during supplementation may play a role in promoting colon health.
* Another way which gamma tocopherol helps promote immune system health may be its ability to inhibit protein kinase C activity.
* Both alpha tocopherol and delta tocopherol also share this same ability.
* Plasma levels of gamma tocopherol decline with age, but not alpha tocopherol levels.
The authors of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition review also point out that regular consumption of nuts, an excellent source of gamma tocopherol, has been associated with heart health and cardiovascular health.
* Gamma tocopherol is abundant in nuts such as walnuts and pecans, and in the legume peanuts. Since in addition to gamma tocopherol nuts provide short-chain omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, fiber and other nutrients, this is one healthy way to increase your gamma tocopherol. Plus, most health food stores now offer walnuts and pecans in bulk at very affordable prices. Corn oil, soybean oil and sesame oil are all rich sources of gamma tocopherol. But, when it comes to commercially available seed oils, the problem is toxic trans-fatty acids and excess omega-6 fatty acids. Both trans-fatty acids and excess omega-6 fatty acids have been found to promote various types of degenerative disorders. Therefore, I do not recommend these oils as a source of gamma tocopherol. To further explore the benefits of this powerful antioxidant,* we will require more human studies using gamma tocopherol supplementation. We still know little about gamma tocopherol's probable synergy with other antioxidants.
* However, what has become clear is that gamma tocopherol is now beginning to get the attention it deserves. Why Tocotrienol Supplementation Can Be Key to Your Health
* Anyone looking for an effective antioxidant should consider taking tocotrienols.
* Most vitamin E supplements contain only alpha-tocopherol whereas palm based tocotrienols contain tocotrienols, phytosterols (proven to promote cholesterol health*), squalene (a powerful antioxidant*) and carotenoids. Recent research suggests that a combination of all these phytonutrients may be highly effective in the overall maintenance of health.
* While vitamin E is generally regarded as the most important fat-soluble antioxidant, alpha tocotrienol has been shown to be 40 to 60 times more effective than alpha tocopherol in thwarting oxidative deterioration of lipids.
* Even more effective, delta tocotrienol is by far the most powerful antioxidant of the entire vitamin E family.
* The immune system-supporting effects of tocotrienols have garnered a lot of attention.
* One of the innate promoters of immune system health is a process known as "apoptosis."
* Apoptosis is an encoded suicide program designed to protect cells.
* Tocotrienols effectively promote apoptosis with delta-tocotrienol being twice as effective as gamma tocotrienol.
* Strong health promoters like delta tocotrienol are very hard to come by in a supplement.* USANA HEALTH PAK (Blend of Vitamins/Minerals) is one of the very few supplements available today that provide all of the natural source tocotrienols. Delta tocotrienol has been shown to be the most active of the tocotrienols, and is considered to be the: Most powerful antioxidant of the vitamin E family.* Most effective tocotrienol to activate immune system-supporting effects.* More effective at accumulating in cells compared to other tocotrienols.* Most effective member of the vitamin E for reducing endothelial expression of adhesion molecules.* Most effective tocotrienol in inducing apoptosis.* Delta-tocotrienol was twice as effective as gamma-tocotrienol.* Much more effective compound for inhibiting the excessive aggregation of blood platelets than vitamin E or other tocotrienols.* Most oils and food contain tocopherols but virtually no tocotrienols. Tocotrienols only occur at very low levels in nature with the highest concentration found in palm oil. Other sources are rice bran, barley, wheat germ, saw palmetto and certain types of nuts and grains. Due to their low level, it is practically impossible to attain the amount of tocotrienols studies suggest may have a beneficial effect,* from diet alone. Supplementation is key. Because the level of tocotrienols is at such a low level in nature, it takes a huge amount of the raw material to extract out 1kg of tocotrienols. This means you'll pay more for the benefits of tocotrienols. For every 1000kg of soy fatty acid distillate, one can extract out about 70kg of the tocopherols. In comparison, every 1000kg of palm oil, one can only theoretically extract out only 0.5kg of tocotrienols. In addition, the process to extract tocotrienols by molecular distillation is an expensive process compared to the conventional distillation processes. Tocotrienols are extremely safe and no side effects have been reported. 5 However,given the effects on platelet aggregation,* you should not take this product if you are going in for surgery, or taking the blood thinning drug Coumadin (warfarin) or anti-platelet drugs like Ticlid (ticlopidine). Tocotrienols are being heralded as "the vitamin E of the 21st century." Many research scientists and nutritionists, backed by extensive published research papers, agree that tocotrienols are a natural, stronger vitamin E and have many additional biological benefits over the normal tocopherols.* Some researchers have gone so far as to recommend that instead of focusing on tocopherols, people should start taking tocotrienols as the better vitamin E. Understanding the Importance of Team Work Tocopherols and tocotrienols work best as a team. In the test tube, gamma-tocopherol is destroyed by oxidants before any alpha-tocopherol is destroyed. This indicates that gamma-tocopherol actually helps the body conserve alpha-tocopherol.* And, a mixture of tocopherols and tocotrienols provides longer protection of the skin than alpha-tocopherol alone.* And the same team can fight a wider spectrum of free radicals than alpha-tocopherol alone.* We still do not have all the answers yet as to the exact role of each of the eight members of the vitamin E family, but we do know that vitamin E is much more than alpha-tocopherol alone. The non-alpha tocopherols and the four tocotrienols have other unique and very useful functions.* That's why amount as IU tells only part of the story. Want to know more:
USANA: Sugars in the Nutritional Bars
Here’s a reply we received from Usana Science Information Services concerning the sugars used in our bars and shakes, should others receive inquiries. Deanna Waters, Diamond Director, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
We appreciate your inquiry. I'm sure they thought they were being helpful with all the sugar information, but it was definitely not necessary. We also understand very well the benefits and issues with fructose as a sweetener. It is the primary sweetener in the drink mixes. Bars are a little different than dry mixes, however, so what works in one doesn't always work in the other.
The syrups - maltitol syrup, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, etc., work much better in a bar that you want to maintain as moist as possible. Either way, they could have saved a lot of work in researching this had they simply looked at the Glycemic Index numbers on the side of the product boxes, labels, etc.
The following statement is true: "When sugar is coupled with high fiber, it enters the blood stream slower. The bar only has 2g of fiber. Consuming carbohydrates along with other foods (especially those high in fiber) could change the rate of absorption of the sugar." However, this statement was intended to imply that our bar would be high glycemic (due to a low fiber level). It is not high, of course, but very low at 26 which is lower than that of kidney beans or lentils. Although fiber influences the GI, protein and fat also have a very strong influence on the rate of digestion. It is the entire combination of macronutrients and how they are combined that keep the GI of the Peanut Butter Crunch bar (and other macro-optimizers) so low.
I have used an apple to explain the sugar content of the Nutrimeals. A small 3 oz apple has approximately 23 grams of carbohydrates, with more than half as simple sugars. The Oatmeal Raisin bar would provide similar total carbs, sugar and fiber as a typical apple. Unlike the apple, however, it has 10 times more protein and a little healthy fat. The Peanut Butter Crunch and Lemon Bar have less carbs and sugar than a typical apple.
I hope this is helpful.
Best Regards,
Russ Barton, MS, CNS, CISSN
USANA Science Information Services
We appreciate your inquiry. I'm sure they thought they were being helpful with all the sugar information, but it was definitely not necessary. We also understand very well the benefits and issues with fructose as a sweetener. It is the primary sweetener in the drink mixes. Bars are a little different than dry mixes, however, so what works in one doesn't always work in the other.
The syrups - maltitol syrup, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, etc., work much better in a bar that you want to maintain as moist as possible. Either way, they could have saved a lot of work in researching this had they simply looked at the Glycemic Index numbers on the side of the product boxes, labels, etc.
The following statement is true: "When sugar is coupled with high fiber, it enters the blood stream slower. The bar only has 2g of fiber. Consuming carbohydrates along with other foods (especially those high in fiber) could change the rate of absorption of the sugar." However, this statement was intended to imply that our bar would be high glycemic (due to a low fiber level). It is not high, of course, but very low at 26 which is lower than that of kidney beans or lentils. Although fiber influences the GI, protein and fat also have a very strong influence on the rate of digestion. It is the entire combination of macronutrients and how they are combined that keep the GI of the Peanut Butter Crunch bar (and other macro-optimizers) so low.
I have used an apple to explain the sugar content of the Nutrimeals. A small 3 oz apple has approximately 23 grams of carbohydrates, with more than half as simple sugars. The Oatmeal Raisin bar would provide similar total carbs, sugar and fiber as a typical apple. Unlike the apple, however, it has 10 times more protein and a little healthy fat. The Peanut Butter Crunch and Lemon Bar have less carbs and sugar than a typical apple.
I hope this is helpful.
Best Regards,
Russ Barton, MS, CNS, CISSN
USANA Science Information Services
Alternative Medicine,
body building,
Mexico USANA,
women fitness
Manifesto on New School Network Marketing
Kim Klaver recently wrote a Manifesto on New School Network Marketing. It's a radical new piece, called "Friends, Lies and Network Marketing." This is published by, the foremost business and marketing publisher on the Internet. This is the FIRST time they've ever published anything on Network Marketing. If you are ready for something different, have at it.
It's 18 pages, big type. Free download here:
"Friends, Lies and Network Marketing."
It's 18 pages, big type. Free download here:
"Friends, Lies and Network Marketing."
Platinum Pacesetter Re-Entries
Subject: Platinum Pacesetter Re-Entries
Place your Re-Entry Certificate by Friday!
Don’t lose the future commissions you could make with an additional Business Center. You only have a few days left to place the Re-Entry Certificate you earned for becoming a Platinum PaceSetter in the final qualification period that took place May 12 through June 22, 2007. Don’t wait until the last minute or get caught in the Friday rush with everyone else! This is your last chance. You must place your Re-Entry in the bottom of ANY of your business legs by Friday, November 2. No exceptions!Re-Entry Process:
Access the Re-Entry Certificate in the “Forms” section under The Income Maximizer™ or contact distributor services to have a Re-Entry Certificate sent to you.
Complete the Re-Entry Certificate with your personal information and then specify where you want to place your Re-Entry. You must activate your Re-Entry by generating 150 Personal Sales Volume (PSV) in it. Please use the standard form; it will be necessary to add products to the form to reach 150 PSV.
Fax or e-mail your Re-Entry Certificate to 801-954-7300 or
Access full rules and details regarding the PaceSetter and Platinum PaceSetter program here!
Place your Re-Entry Certificate by Friday!
Don’t lose the future commissions you could make with an additional Business Center. You only have a few days left to place the Re-Entry Certificate you earned for becoming a Platinum PaceSetter in the final qualification period that took place May 12 through June 22, 2007. Don’t wait until the last minute or get caught in the Friday rush with everyone else! This is your last chance. You must place your Re-Entry in the bottom of ANY of your business legs by Friday, November 2. No exceptions!Re-Entry Process:
Access the Re-Entry Certificate in the “Forms” section under The Income Maximizer™ or contact distributor services to have a Re-Entry Certificate sent to you.
Complete the Re-Entry Certificate with your personal information and then specify where you want to place your Re-Entry. You must activate your Re-Entry by generating 150 Personal Sales Volume (PSV) in it. Please use the standard form; it will be necessary to add products to the form to reach 150 PSV.
Fax or e-mail your Re-Entry Certificate to 801-954-7300 or
Access full rules and details regarding the PaceSetter and Platinum PaceSetter program here!
Pumpkin Spice Shake
Here’s a delicious fall recipe for a Pumpkin Spice Shake made with Vanilla Nutrimeal.
Pumpkin Spice Shake
10 oz. water
3 scoops Vanilla Nutrimeal
½ cup canned pumpkin
½ cup ice
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie seasoning or ¼ tsp each cinnamon, allspice, cloves, nutmeg or to taste
1 tbsp. Optomega oil
Blend first 5 ingredients well. Add Optomega oil and mix gently.
Pumpkin Spice Shake
10 oz. water
3 scoops Vanilla Nutrimeal
½ cup canned pumpkin
½ cup ice
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie seasoning or ¼ tsp each cinnamon, allspice, cloves, nutmeg or to taste
1 tbsp. Optomega oil
Blend first 5 ingredients well. Add Optomega oil and mix gently.
Alternative Medicine,
mens health,
women fitness
USANA weekly highlights

USANA weekly highlights
Contests & Promotions
Contests & Promotions

Platinum PaceSetters who qualified in the last qualification period (May 12 through June 22, 2007) must place their Re-Entry Certificate by midnight (MDT) Friday, November 2. Learn how to place a Re-Entry Certificate here.
Mission Commission
It’s easy to ensure you are eligible to receive a Mission Commission bonus: place a 56-pack of the Health & Freedom Newspaper on your Autoship and help your new Associate activate 3 Business Centers. Get prospecting tips here.

Product Specials
Back by popular demand, the Sensé™ Skin Care Deluxe Pack with Nutritious Crème Masque offers the ultimate skin-care regimen. In as little as two weeks, you could experience dramatically visible results! Get more information here.
Back by popular demand, the Sensé™ Skin Care Deluxe Pack with Nutritious Crème Masque offers the ultimate skin-care regimen. In as little as two weeks, you could experience dramatically visible results! Get more information here.

USANA Green tip of the week
ENERGY: Turn off your electronic items! Computers should be turned off at the end of the workday. Screensavers, while saving you screen pixels, will burn away power. In fact, a screensaver can consume as much energy as your monitor when it’s in use. So, if you will be away from your desk for more than 15 minutes, turn off your monitor. Reducing the brightness of the monitor while increasing the contrast can also reduce energy usage by 20 percent. Practicing these simple steps can save more than $100 a year per computer!
ENERGY: Turn off your electronic items! Computers should be turned off at the end of the workday. Screensavers, while saving you screen pixels, will burn away power. In fact, a screensaver can consume as much energy as your monitor when it’s in use. So, if you will be away from your desk for more than 15 minutes, turn off your monitor. Reducing the brightness of the monitor while increasing the contrast can also reduce energy usage by 20 percent. Practicing these simple steps can save more than $100 a year per computer!
Webcast Presentations and Training
Success Connection
Webcast Presentations and Training
(Visit the link above to access ALL of the webcasts listed -- new webcasts starting soon)
Revised November 3 Webcast:
Business Aspects of USANA
Stan Baldwin is the President of a large credit reporting company. He builds his USANA business part-time to diversify his income and because he truly enjoys it. "The best thing about having my own business is although I enjoy my full-time job, the work I do today is paid today. If I stop working the pay stops as well." Start your morning with Stan's Health & Freedom Presentation geared toward the business aspects of USANA, including tapping in on tax savings advantages and building a long-term income.
Rescheduled -- Saturday, November 17 (9:00-10:00 am) *
Health & Freedom Room
New Webcasts Coming Soon!
Financial Advisors Perspective
Additional Chiropractor Presentations
Gen Y Health & Freedom
** Note: All webcast times are listed in Pacific Time Zone. **
Many webcasts are scheduled weekly. You can be confident about inviting, because you KNOW these presentations are there for you and your guests. These webcasts are available to all USANA Associates and their guests at no cost.
Watch for more Health & Freedom Presentations at convenient times for Pacific and Eastern Time Zones.
Weekly Events in the Health & Freedom Room:
Every Tuesday at 6pm- H/F Presentation, Rotating Speakers
Weekly Events in the Training Room:
Every Monday at 6pm- Getting Started Training, Annette Walbon (Starting in October these will be held every Monday)
Weekly Health & Freedom Presentations in Other Languages:
1st Wednesday of each month - Mandarin Chinese
3rd Friday of each month - Cantonese
Weekly Webcasts in the Special Events Room:
Please visit the calendar (link below) regarding webcasts in the Special Events room. There is a repeating cycle for each topic. For example, the fourth Wednesday of each month is for Chiropractors and the second Monday of each month is for Personal Trainers.
Webcast Presentations and Training
(Visit the link above to access ALL of the webcasts listed -- new webcasts starting soon)
Revised November 3 Webcast:
Business Aspects of USANA
Stan Baldwin is the President of a large credit reporting company. He builds his USANA business part-time to diversify his income and because he truly enjoys it. "The best thing about having my own business is although I enjoy my full-time job, the work I do today is paid today. If I stop working the pay stops as well." Start your morning with Stan's Health & Freedom Presentation geared toward the business aspects of USANA, including tapping in on tax savings advantages and building a long-term income.
Rescheduled -- Saturday, November 17 (9:00-10:00 am) *
Health & Freedom Room
New Webcasts Coming Soon!
Financial Advisors Perspective
Additional Chiropractor Presentations
Gen Y Health & Freedom
** Note: All webcast times are listed in Pacific Time Zone. **
Many webcasts are scheduled weekly. You can be confident about inviting, because you KNOW these presentations are there for you and your guests. These webcasts are available to all USANA Associates and their guests at no cost.
Watch for more Health & Freedom Presentations at convenient times for Pacific and Eastern Time Zones.
Weekly Events in the Health & Freedom Room:
Every Tuesday at 6pm- H/F Presentation, Rotating Speakers
Weekly Events in the Training Room:
Every Monday at 6pm- Getting Started Training, Annette Walbon (Starting in October these will be held every Monday)
Weekly Health & Freedom Presentations in Other Languages:
1st Wednesday of each month - Mandarin Chinese
3rd Friday of each month - Cantonese
Weekly Webcasts in the Special Events Room:
Please visit the calendar (link below) regarding webcasts in the Special Events room. There is a repeating cycle for each topic. For example, the fourth Wednesday of each month is for Chiropractors and the second Monday of each month is for Personal Trainers.
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Another product that I Strongly recommend to consume it’s the RESET program. If you have weight problems (like I had), the RESET program can give outstanding results. Whether you want to lose weight or maintain your weight and feel full of energy, RESET™ will help you start a lifetime of healthy habits. When you have completed the five days, you will be on the path to feeling great and looking leaner; your positive results will reinforce your commitment to a becoming a healthier you.
It is vitally important that your diet include the right types of each class of macronutrient:
The right carbohydrates are either complex carbohydrates or fiber, and have a low-glycemic index. Complex carbohydrates and fiber generally supply additional healthy trace elements and phytonutrients, as well as energy. A healthy diet includes a variety of protein sources including complete proteins, which contain all of the essential amino acids. Beneficial fats are high in essential fatty acids and low in saturated fatty acids. No more than 10 percent of your total daily calories should be derived from saturated fat.
The glycemic index is a way of measuring the rate at which carbohydrates are broken down and appear in the blood as simple sugars. Those foods that result in a rapid rise in blood sugar have a high-glycemic index. Carbohydrates that are broken down slowly and cause only a moderate increase in blood sugar have a low-glycemic index. Some carbohydrates fall in between.
High-glycemic foods provide quick energy, but it is usually short lived and hunger soon returns. Low-glycemic foods provide greater satiety and sustained energy, which makes eating less and losing weight easier. High-glycemic diets also have been linked to obesity, type II diabetes, insulin resistance, and heart disease. Virtually all convenience foods and many meal replacement and diet products on the market today are unfortunately, high glycemic.
Want to know more: (CLICK HERE)
mens health,
womens health
The glycemic index is the key to controlling your cravings
It isn't necessary to starve yourself to lose weight. In fact, consistently eating less than 1,000 calories a day may actually slow down your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight. You do, however, need to make smarter choices about what you eat. When you eat high-glycemic foods it can cause your body's blood glucose levels to quickly spike and then crash, leading to feelings of hunger sooner and seemingly uncontrollable cravings.
A better choice is to eat low-glycemic foods which keep blood glucose levels more stable, helping to reduce carbohydrate cravings, leave you feeling satisfied longer, and control your appetite more easily. All of USANA's Macro-Optimizers are clinically tested and guaranteed to be low glycemic, and nearly 95 percent of RESET participants report significantly reduced carbohydrate cravings after completing the five days.
The 5-Day RESET is simple and convenient. Each day you replace your meals and snacks with USANA's delicious Macro-Optimizer shakes and bars, plus a bonus snack of one serving of fruit and one serving of vegetables. In addition, you should take your USANA® Nutritionals, drink 64-80 ounces of water, and walk briskly for up to 30 minutes daily. RESET is a commonsense approach to nutrition that includes low-glycemic carbohydrates packed with soluble and insoluble fiber, low-fat sources of protein, and beneficial fats. And by eating small, low-calorie meals frequently throughout the day, you will create a caloric deficit without going hungry, making it easier for you to lose weight.
Subscribe now as Preferred Costumer. Its FREE and you will get a complete guide of our products, their description and the advantages that they can provide to your health. I am sure you will find something that fit to your nutritional needs and way of life.
Want to know more:
A better choice is to eat low-glycemic foods which keep blood glucose levels more stable, helping to reduce carbohydrate cravings, leave you feeling satisfied longer, and control your appetite more easily. All of USANA's Macro-Optimizers are clinically tested and guaranteed to be low glycemic, and nearly 95 percent of RESET participants report significantly reduced carbohydrate cravings after completing the five days.
The 5-Day RESET is simple and convenient. Each day you replace your meals and snacks with USANA's delicious Macro-Optimizer shakes and bars, plus a bonus snack of one serving of fruit and one serving of vegetables. In addition, you should take your USANA® Nutritionals, drink 64-80 ounces of water, and walk briskly for up to 30 minutes daily. RESET is a commonsense approach to nutrition that includes low-glycemic carbohydrates packed with soluble and insoluble fiber, low-fat sources of protein, and beneficial fats. And by eating small, low-calorie meals frequently throughout the day, you will create a caloric deficit without going hungry, making it easier for you to lose weight.
Subscribe now as Preferred Costumer. Its FREE and you will get a complete guide of our products, their description and the advantages that they can provide to your health. I am sure you will find something that fit to your nutritional needs and way of life.
Want to know more:
Alternative Medicine,
mens health,
women fitness
One of the mayor causes of degenerative diseases is having an unhealthy diet. In our days we eat a lot of waste food full of carbohydrates and FAT. Plus we don’t enough physical activities or exercise to maintain true health. Our body cells are deteriorating very fast because they don’t receive enough vital nutrients.
To maintain optimal health, the body needs a wide range of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and other nutrients. These nutrients are often difficult to obtain in ideal doses through diet alone. To aswer this need, USANA has formulated advanced, science-based nutritional supplements for every age group.
The Essentials for adults, Body Rox for teens, and Usanimals for children, offer “essential” daily nutrition for maintaining true health. While these supplements are comprehensive, USANA recognizes that individuals have unique nutritional needs depending on their stage of life, sex, genetics, and lifestyle factors. For this reason, the company offers the Optimizers, a wide range of nutritional supplements that provide specific nutritional benefits.
With USANA Essentials and Optimizers, product users can create a complete, advanced nutritional program to suit their particular needs.
USANA recognizes that to maintain true health, the body not only needs advanced amounts of vitamins and minerals, but also excellent sources of dietary fibre, protein, and beneficial fats. USANA Macro-Optimizers are formulated to provide great-tasting, healthy, and convenient macro nutrition. These delicious shake mixes and snack bars-including Fibergy; Bars, Nutrimeal, and Nutrition Bars-provide complex carbohydrates, complete soy protein, and diverse sources of fibre.
USANA also offers a unique jumpstart to nutrition with its 5-Day Reset Your Life Program. The program is simple-for five days, participants include healthful Macro-Optimizer shakes and bars in their diet. This clean break from fatty, unnutritious food acts as a reset button for the body, helping put reset participants on the path to better nutritional habits.
USANA Health Sciences formulates exceptional, science-based nutritional and personal-care products. However, inferior manufacturing can destroy even the greatest product formulations. For this reason, USANA manufactures its own nutritional supplements, and voluntarily meets pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Pharmaceutical GMP standards are far more stringent than the food GMP requirements set by the U.S.government for supplements.
To adhere to the exacting standards of pharmaceutical GMP, and to ensure the quality of every product manufactured, USANA inspects all raw ingredients before they are mixed, tests the product during manufacturing, and performs a final analysis before any product is sent to the customer. USANA's Quality Assurance team keeps track of every detail, from careful testing and evaluation of raw materials, to meticulous product shipping and storage. Visitors to USANA's corporate headquarters can take a self-guided tour to see USANA's manufacturing process firsthand.
The book “Comparative Guide to NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS” by LYLE MacWilliam, compare over 1500 nutritional products and supplements to an independent nutritional benchmark, developed from the individual recommendations of 12 recognized nutritional authorities. (see more HERE ). In this book USANA gets an outstanding 96 % of effect ness in all his products and you can compare this percentage with the poor ones that world famous companies have in their nutritional supplements like Herbal Life (14% effectives), Omnilife (3% effectives), GNC products (22 % effectives).
One of the mayor causes of degenerative diseases is having an unhealthy diet. In our days we eat a lot of waste food full of carbohydrates and FAT. Plus we don’t enough physical activities or exercise to maintain true health. Our body cells are deteriorating very fast because they don’t receive enough vital nutrients.
To maintain optimal health, the body needs a wide range of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and other nutrients. These nutrients are often difficult to obtain in ideal doses through diet alone. To aswer this need, USANA has formulated advanced, science-based nutritional supplements for every age group.
The Essentials for adults, Body Rox for teens, and Usanimals for children, offer “essential” daily nutrition for maintaining true health. While these supplements are comprehensive, USANA recognizes that individuals have unique nutritional needs depending on their stage of life, sex, genetics, and lifestyle factors. For this reason, the company offers the Optimizers, a wide range of nutritional supplements that provide specific nutritional benefits.
With USANA Essentials and Optimizers, product users can create a complete, advanced nutritional program to suit their particular needs.
USANA recognizes that to maintain true health, the body not only needs advanced amounts of vitamins and minerals, but also excellent sources of dietary fibre, protein, and beneficial fats. USANA Macro-Optimizers are formulated to provide great-tasting, healthy, and convenient macro nutrition. These delicious shake mixes and snack bars-including Fibergy; Bars, Nutrimeal, and Nutrition Bars-provide complex carbohydrates, complete soy protein, and diverse sources of fibre.
USANA also offers a unique jumpstart to nutrition with its 5-Day Reset Your Life Program. The program is simple-for five days, participants include healthful Macro-Optimizer shakes and bars in their diet. This clean break from fatty, unnutritious food acts as a reset button for the body, helping put reset participants on the path to better nutritional habits.
USANA Health Sciences formulates exceptional, science-based nutritional and personal-care products. However, inferior manufacturing can destroy even the greatest product formulations. For this reason, USANA manufactures its own nutritional supplements, and voluntarily meets pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Pharmaceutical GMP standards are far more stringent than the food GMP requirements set by the U.S.government for supplements.
To adhere to the exacting standards of pharmaceutical GMP, and to ensure the quality of every product manufactured, USANA inspects all raw ingredients before they are mixed, tests the product during manufacturing, and performs a final analysis before any product is sent to the customer. USANA's Quality Assurance team keeps track of every detail, from careful testing and evaluation of raw materials, to meticulous product shipping and storage. Visitors to USANA's corporate headquarters can take a self-guided tour to see USANA's manufacturing process firsthand.
The book “Comparative Guide to NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS” by LYLE MacWilliam, compare over 1500 nutritional products and supplements to an independent nutritional benchmark, developed from the individual recommendations of 12 recognized nutritional authorities. (see more HERE ). In this book USANA gets an outstanding 96 % of effect ness in all his products and you can compare this percentage with the poor ones that world famous companies have in their nutritional supplements like Herbal Life (14% effectives), Omnilife (3% effectives), GNC products (22 % effectives).
Alternative Medicine,
mens health,
women fitness
Integritas website - Training
Here's the training schedule for the week. Please double check with the calendar in your Integritas website for any changes or if you have questions.
All training events and conference calls are open to the USANA Family.
Feel free to invite anyone who can benefit.
** Monday
9:00 PM EST- Health and Freedom WebcastBring your guests here to learn about the USANA opportunity. - for associates - for prospects 712-432-3000, Bridge: 125251
9:30 PM EST -Reset Presentation with Dr. Ray Strand and Eric Linscheid Dial-In #: 1-218-486-1300 Bridge: 65195335-minute presentation followed by questions & answers
10:30 PM EST- Live Prospecting Calls Come listen to a top leader make live prospecting calls.605-990-0400, Code:1095879#
** Tuesday
9:00 PM EST- Health and Freedom Webcast
Bring your guests here to learn about the USANA opportunity. - for associates - for prospects712-432-3000, Bridge: 125251
10:00 PM EST - Simon Chan, John Goerlitz, Kim Koller TEAM TRAINING
This training is hosted by Ruby Director Simon Chan and features John Goerlitz, Kim Koller, Cameron Harrison, Joe Reyes, Gina Mielke and Chad Tibbetts. Each week's training contains important updates and critical skills that are important for success. 605-990-0300, 384115#
** Wednesday
8:00 PM EST- Integritas Group Info Webcast - 1 hour webcast that covers the history of Integritas, system, and community information 635978 #
9:00 PM ESTIntegritas System Support Webcast 1 hour of open Q+A on the system, training, marketing, etc led by an Integritas Expert 635978 #
11:00 PM EST - Health and Freedom WebcastBring your guests here to learn about the USANA opportunity. - for associates - for prospects 712-432-3000, Bridge: 125251
** Thursday
9:00 PM EST - Health and Freedom WebcastBring your guests here to learn about the USANA opportunity. - for associates - for prospects 712-432-3000, Bridge: 125251
1:00 AM EST - Call 605-990-0400, 1095879# Integritas Group Community Call: Silver Director Eric LinscheidEric has been one of the top PC enrollers in USANA for the past two years. He has accomplished this with USANA's RESET program. Today he will discuss how you can build a successful business using RESET.
All training events and conference calls are open to the USANA Family.
Feel free to invite anyone who can benefit.
** Monday
9:00 PM EST- Health and Freedom WebcastBring your guests here to learn about the USANA opportunity. - for associates - for prospects 712-432-3000, Bridge: 125251
9:30 PM EST -Reset Presentation with Dr. Ray Strand and Eric Linscheid Dial-In #: 1-218-486-1300 Bridge: 65195335-minute presentation followed by questions & answers
10:30 PM EST- Live Prospecting Calls Come listen to a top leader make live prospecting calls.605-990-0400, Code:1095879#
** Tuesday
9:00 PM EST- Health and Freedom Webcast
Bring your guests here to learn about the USANA opportunity. - for associates - for prospects712-432-3000, Bridge: 125251
10:00 PM EST - Simon Chan, John Goerlitz, Kim Koller TEAM TRAINING
This training is hosted by Ruby Director Simon Chan and features John Goerlitz, Kim Koller, Cameron Harrison, Joe Reyes, Gina Mielke and Chad Tibbetts. Each week's training contains important updates and critical skills that are important for success. 605-990-0300, 384115#
** Wednesday
8:00 PM EST- Integritas Group Info Webcast - 1 hour webcast that covers the history of Integritas, system, and community information 635978 #
9:00 PM ESTIntegritas System Support Webcast 1 hour of open Q+A on the system, training, marketing, etc led by an Integritas Expert 635978 #
11:00 PM EST - Health and Freedom WebcastBring your guests here to learn about the USANA opportunity. - for associates - for prospects 712-432-3000, Bridge: 125251
** Thursday
9:00 PM EST - Health and Freedom WebcastBring your guests here to learn about the USANA opportunity. - for associates - for prospects 712-432-3000, Bridge: 125251
1:00 AM EST - Call 605-990-0400, 1095879# Integritas Group Community Call: Silver Director Eric LinscheidEric has been one of the top PC enrollers in USANA for the past two years. He has accomplished this with USANA's RESET program. Today he will discuss how you can build a successful business using RESET.
Alternative Medicine,
health and freedom,
Jason Kilgore,
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