Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jetnetting Connection

Heshie Segal --Jetnetting Connection []

I read the note, “My ideal job….” and hope by sharing this, many of you will see yourselves (as I see myself when I sometimes grasped for straws and not quality) and, what happens if you go after a dead-end lead and its waste of time - unless you turn it around and learn a lesson in the process. I started to write this, and then a few sentences later, it took on a life of its own.

The original note: My ideal work at home job is typing documents, inputting data, taking orders over the phone, contacting people who have expressed an interest in purchasing items, answering calls from clients/customers, and jobs similar to those mentioned. I want to get paid based on production. I do not want to have to have to put up money up front to start the business, I don't want to keep inventory, mail items, nor solicit buyers for products. Now, do you have anything that fits my taste?

My Response to the above note: (I took this thought by thought)

Dear “My ideal job…” Prospect,

I acknowledge you for having such a clear picture of what you want in a "job". I am responding to your "do you have anything that fits my taste?" and then you can make up your mind if you want to proceed. The next step would be to see if we can work together. What I have found in this business is that I get to choose my partners. I am sure you can appreciate this. Our company finds that partnership and team work are very important to our ongoing success.

We do occasionally type documents. The kind of document depends on the situation. Perhaps it is in response to a team member request, a clarification document or a strategy developing for expanding our team in a creative way.

We do input data. It is mostly when we are enrolling preferred customers who want to enjoy optimum health or people who want to join our business for time and/or financial freedom. It sounds as if you would enjoy doing this kind of input.

We contact people who respond to information on our websites. They are interested in making a purchase. They simply sign on through the website and we contact them to see how they are doing. We thus follow up. I call this a win-win and I know you can understand how lucrative this can be and it sounds like you would be just the person to follow up because you care.

We do get paid on production. We talk to people, we produce and we get paid. From what I have read in your description, you want to be paid on production. Perhaps, then the following would be of interest to you. We are rated as the #1 compensation plan. Usana does not do the rating….there would be no integrity in that. I have to chuckle here since we hear from so many companies who claim to be #1.

Most people who say they do not want to put money up front to start a business are ones who have always held a job. They have not yet ventured out as entrepreneurs. They are building someone else's dream and have not yet seen the value of being their own boss in the truest sense of the word. Entrepreneurs take risks to attain their freedom and what they want in life. I personally love the idea that I get paid for my efforts and I can create the income I want. There is no limit other than my own energy and belief system. If I want more, I do more and/or I look for partners who share my vision and we work together.

I surely understand your desire to not stock inventory. That is one of the reasons I am with Usana. I have been with other companies that have required me to stock inventory and others who make earnings depend your ability to earn money depending on volume you produce thus forcing stockpiling to stay afloat. That was burdensome, to say the least. It sounds like you want to be an associate with our as opposed to becoming a distributor who has the opportunity to retail and carry inventory. It does not sound like you own a gym or a salon or anything of that sort, or am I wrong on that?

You don't want to do mailing? I can understand that one. It's a personal choice. Some people do put things in the mail to bring in new business. It is not what I do and again that is my choice. I prefer to carry information with me wherever I go so if someone shows interest, I can hand them something to read or perhaps something they can take home to see or hear. Then there are those days when I just do not want to leave the house and I expand my business by sending out mail and being on the phone . Well, I have devised a system for that. If that is of interest to you, then we can talk. It sounds like we have a lot of the same feelings so perhaps a good chat on the phone will help us both to see if there is a match.

You did mention one last thing - that you did not want to solicit buyers for products. Once again, I have to chuckle. It took my wonderful fiancée 10 months to bring me on board to do Usana as a business. He was very gentle and patient while I came up with every excuse in the book. He persisted. He even dragged me to the Usana convention where I sat with my arms folded. On the last day of the convention, when I got the science behind the product and this fabulous company, the people I could help with its products, and the science and integrity of the founder, Dr. Wentz was this remarkable world renowned scientist dedicated to helping mankind, I turned to him and said, “I can do this. I know so many people I can help. BUT I AM NOT PUSHING THOSE PILLS!!!” He looked at me and very quietly said, "This is not about pushing pills. This is about helping people to have optimum health. You care so much about people. Now you have another way to do it."

Mr../Ms Prospect, I have taken longer than I intended to respond to your requirements and yet I did it because once you “get” the brilliance of this company, its founder, its products, its compensation plan, its reputation in the hottest growing industry, its special teams, you will understand that it is the best choice you can possibly make. Would l like to have you join my team? I am not sure. We would have to talk and see if it works for us both. You see, as your sponsor, I would be dedicated to your success. I work with people who want to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others. I work with people who are committed to success. I work with people who are positive. Does that describe you?

At your option we can discuss this further to mutually decide if there is a fit. If this is not something that works for you, good luck with your journey. As for me, I will continue my quest for helping people with their health, their wealth creation, with their personal development.


Usana Associate’s name

Additional thoughts from Heshie Segal:

There are so many people out there who could benefit from Usana - products, business and both. I suggest caution with this person…they sound more like the assistant type than a go-getter. I must admit, I tend to be one of those people who likes to save the world and especially those who say no - I want to understand why and how I can help them. So, when I go about my Usana business these days, I recognize I have to stay far away from people who will drain my energy. Once I enroll people, I am theirs and if they do not perform and I stay committed to them, it means my other enrollees get less of me. Not a good scenario.

I have only been with Usana for two years. I have been moderately successful in having become a Ruby Director. As my business gets stronger and stronger, I choose to work only with people who are positive and don't expect me to build their businesses for them. Do I still go after people who said “no” a year ago? You bet. And it is only because I like them and feel they have just not gotten it . . . yet. Each one of them knows when I stop talking about Usana, they are in trouble because I have given up on them (and I don't give up easily). If they don't care about their health, then I cannot make them.

I do not work cold leads. Perhaps this is why I had such a strong response to the note from the person who wanted to see if there was “anything to suit his or her taste”. I am a face to face person. I talk to everyone who moves. If they do not smile or are open, I move on. If I got a note like this from someone, I would either let it go and move on, or I would respond as I did above.

Usana is a gift and we do not have to go after people who put forth requirements such as the person above, unless we are looking for an assistant. It appears as if this person simply wants a job without responsibility. These are my thoughts:

This person:

Is not a self-starter

Is someone who is simply content to build someone else's dream or income.

Does not have start up money because of a current life style or belief system (and if

he/she doesn’t make changes it will always be this way)

Is not yet ready to buy because of not seeing the value

Is looking for a way to say no.

Is content with the way life is, or in is happy living in his/her comfort zone

Has low self-esteem, is very young or lacks of experience.

Has self-limiting beliefs.

Has no idea what is it is to be an entrepreneur.

Could make a great assistant (wants an office job in the house), etc.

In closing, I would say this person has given us a gift. They have provided us with a learning experience. If we can answer these questions, statements, objections or challenges, we can overcome other areas more easily. It is wonderful practice.

Heshie Segal, Ruby Director

-----Original Message-----


From: Terri Hamel []

Crossline opinion sought! How would you handle a lead (if at all) who has responded to your email contact with the following?

My ideal work at home job is typing documents, inputting data, taking orders over the phone, contacting people who have expressed an interest in purchasing items, answering calls from clients/customers, and jobs similar to those mentioned. I want to get paid based on production. I do not want to have to have to put up money up front to start the business, I don't want to keep inventory, mail items, nor solicit buyers for products. Now, do you have anything that fits my taste?

Terri Hamel


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