Monday, January 28, 2008 Jan 28-Jan 29th, 2008/USANA MEETINGS

** Monday

9:00 PM EST - Health and Freedom Webcast
Bring your guests here to learn about the USANA opportunity. - for associates - for prospects
712-432-3000, 125251

9:00 PM EST - Live Prospecting Calls
Come listen to a top leader make live prospecting calls.
605-990-0400, 1095879#

** Tuesday

9:00 PM EST Tim Sales - Presenting Your Business to Prospects
phone: 218-486-1400, passcode: 7104

For the past two years Tim has focused on Inviting - he now will focus on teaching you Presenting. This training teleclass will give you the rock-solid foundation that is needed to present your business in a way that is professional and gets the results you've been looking for...more people signing up in your business.

10:00 PM EST - TEAM TRAINING: Simon Chan, John Goerlitz, Kim Koller
This training contains important updates and critical skills that are important for success.
webcast:, 605-990-0300, 384115#


AHA Scientific Statements, AHA Statements, Alice Clegg, Alternative Medicine, antioxidants, body building, Business Opportunity, Calcium, California, Cancer, cardiovascular, diseases, cooking, diets, fitness, food, health, health and freedom, Jason Kilgore, Kilgore and USANA, Kilgore Defense Institute, Kilgore MMA, Martial Arts, mens health, Mexico USANA, Minerals,, nutrition, nutritional, Recipes, Safety, Sierra Foothills Karate, nutrition, advice, sports, Sports Health, Sports Nutrition, ,Stress Management, USANA, Usana and Alice Clegg, Usana and Jason Kilgore, Usana and Sierra Foothills Karate, USANA HEALTH SCIENCES, USANA HEALTH SCIENCES DISTRIBUTOR, Utah, vitamins, wellness, Wellness Misphitz, women, fitness, womens health

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