Wednesday, December 12, 2007

USANA family

Hi USANA family

I wanted to share a 3 minute video with you, actually not for the words used but to explain the power of the mechanism demonstrated. I believe there’s only one truth and many paths. There’s only one reality but so many varying perceptions. The questions becomes, is what you believe moving you closer or farther from your dreams. How are you choosing to see things?

As an engineer for the longest time I used to think that I was terrible at sales so I avoided this industry. Then I adopted another perspective and now I enjoy a Diamond lifestyle. We sell people their dreams. I realized that our job is to open people up and help THEM discover their need or goal or why and help them close themselves. How do you open? You ask questions. How many? Until you get to their truth.

Later as a holistic health practitioner, I became passionate about helping people with their health and found myself chasing ambulances looking for sick people. So another change in perspective for me was learning the power of leverage. I began looking for people interested in the business of helping other people. Now I have an organization of several thousand helping me impact others with their health.

As an athlete I always thought I was healthy and didn’t need supplements. I’m better educated now about the critical role supplementation plays in staying proactive with my health.

I used to think this “stuff” was expensive. At my wellness center, I met so many people with serious illnesses willing to spend thousands to regain their health. Now I realize how cheap of an investment this is in my health and of course I’m worth it.

I used to think all you had to do was sign the application and get in and somehow magically the money starts to flow. The money does flow magically but I learned the law of cause and effect and that for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. In USANA however that vibration or exchange becomes residual, thus the magic. But the key ingredient is ACTION. You want big results? Then BIG action. Massive results, then massive action.

I used to think Christmas was a slow month in network marketing. Then I saw Rick Young go diamond on Christmas eve. I saw Jeremy go 8 star during Christmas. What a great time for having wishes come true. What a magical time for reconnecting with people and working your “relationship marketing”.

I’m attaching a simple “assessment of belief” worksheet you can take for yourself to discover where your belief is and hopefully realize where you need to focus your energy to strengthen your belief.

End of the year is a great time for “reflecting” on where we are and “planning” on where we want to be.

I want to leave you with this wonderful quote by our very own Dr. Denis Waitley:

“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.”

Let me repeat my earlier questions, is what you believe, moving you closer or farther from your dreams? How are you choosing to see things?

Be patient through the first half and watch the whole video to get the effect. Same words, opposite perspectives. Here’s the link:

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