Wednesday, October 10, 2007


When you build a business, you want it to be successful and once it is completed, you want it to continue to pay residual income for generations. USANA is an eleven-year-old international company publicly traded on NASDAQ. In 2003 it was rated the # 3 TOP Performing Stock, among over 6,400 publicly traded stocks on Wall Street. USANA was named among the top 10% of small cap companies in the U.S. Business Week Magazine and was named the 15th largest public company in Utah. It sponsored both the United States and Canadian speed skating teams in the 2002 Winter Olympics.

Robert Allen in his book “Multiple Streams of Income” states: “In my 20 years of research, I can honestly say, I’ve never seen a faster way to create residual streams of income than with the USANA opportunity.” Robert Allen is the number one authority on buying real estate for nothing down. He has done seminars all over the world on the subject. He is a multimillionaire. Why is Robert Allen involved with USANA, a network marketing company?

Dr. Denis Waitley won the Outstanding Platform Speaker of the Year Award. He is the author of “The Psychology of Winning” and “Seeds of Greatness,” and advisor to Fortune 500 companies, professional athletes, and astronauts. He is the spokesman for USANA? He states: “USANA is the best win-win opportunity I’ve come across to create a new source of income and financial security for yourself and your family.”

Darren Falter, owner of Millennium Research International, wrote a book titled, “How To Select A Network Marketing Company.” He states, “I reviewed over 200 network marketing companies. I rated them in 6 areas: product industry, timing, compensation plan, company management, product integrity, and overall evaluation. Please note that I had no connection or relationship with any of the companies I reviewed when I started my research. Among all the companies tested, only one company scored 59 out of 60 points. After choosing this one program as the best opportunity, I became involved with this #1 rated opportunity as an independent distributor. The name of the company that ranked #1 is USANA.”

MLM Insider Magazine ranks network marketing companies every year using similar criteria. Each year they come out with their top companies. For nine years in a row, USANA has won th their “Distributor Choice” award, and has been selected as the MLM INsider Editor's Choice for Best Companies in Network Marketing for the past 13 years. Their comments include: "Everything about this company comes off first class and the company seems to be a shoe-in every year for the editor's list and the reasons are simple. Usana is a company that represents: quality not quantity; ethics not schemes; and excellence not mediocrity"

USANA in not on trial. It is a proven viable business opportunity. What are you waiting for?

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